Rame Abdulkader

Canada is a country rich in demographics — and a diverse age-range of voters is just one example of that. However, some age groups seem to be less represented in the democratic process than others — namely, the voting-age youth.

The University of Ottawa Students’ Union has revealed the key dates of its fall byelection. Voting will run from Nov. 6-8, with one spot on the executive committee and nine seats on the Board of Directors up for grabs. An executive candidates debate is set for Nov. 4.

Recently accepted to the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Science to study animal behaviour, the McDonald’s raccoon landed on campus this Thursday to figure out if U of O campus life is a good fit for him. But the visit left the raccoon, and students, questioning whether the U of O is truly the caring and inclusive campus it claims to be.

“I always touch an outlet with my stick before every period, and I always put my stick in the same place after every period. I’m pretty weird.” — Cody Drover, Gee-Gees forward.

“It’s a scary world … I’m just thankful to not have been a teenager in the world of the iPhone.” — Lynne McInally, clinical social worker, therapist and instructor at Humber College.

“For some people it’s almost a joke, like ‘yeah yeah yeah I had my ADHD day yesterday … when we know … it’s so different to have it 24/7.”

Taking nudes can be very sexually arousing and full of excitement, but there’s always the worst case scenario that they end up in the hands of the wrong person.

The Fulcrum spoke to three students with different perspectives on youth political involvement to explore their insights and opinions into mental health. It became a brief but telling exploration of the challenges, supports, and lessons of staying healthy in the halls of power.

After binge-watching all eight episodes of Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, a third-year U of O student went on a cleaning-spree. But it seems that she’s taken Kondo’s advice a little too seriously.

Jane Drummond, the student in question, has been on a “rampage” according to her concerned roommates Kristopher Trent and Jennifer Fremont.

It’s something all of us have been thinking recently, but not wanting to say out loud, out of fear of being labelled as “capitalist scum” by those really cool Marxists in your political thought class. But hear me out, maybe there’s a lot more in dissolving the union than what meets the eye.

In all my four years at this university not once has anyone mentioned the fact that we have a library! I’ve spent nights hunched over in dorm rooms, finishing essays by lamplight, paying for research from journals that I could have accessed for free?? I am livid.

Have you ever heard the saying “less is more”? The University of Ottawa hasn’t. They believe “more is more” with the 80 gazillion pounds of salt they throw onto the ground whenever it drops below zero degrees Celsius.

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