
U of O team competes against other engineering students across North America The University of Ottawa hosted 21 teams of engineering students from colleges and universities across Canada and the United States for the Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race 2016, an annual event put on by a group of current students and alumni of the …

Canada’s government has announced that Huguette Labelle, a former chancellor of the University of Ottawa, will lead the Independent Advisory Board on Senate Appointments, an advisory body that suggests Senate appointments to the prime minister. There are 22 spots that currently need to be filled, and the government has said they intend to fill them …

Four dead following school shooting in small Saskatchewan town In the small northern community of La Loche Saskatchewan, a shooting which took place at two locations, a local high school and a nearby city block, has left four people dead and several others wounded. The shooting took place on Friday, Jan.. 22. Shots were fired …

Canadian tech giant Shopify has a new Chief Operating Officer (COO)—and it’s a University of Ottawa grad. Harley Finkelstein graduated from the MBA-JD program at the U of O, entered the Dragon’s Den as a judge on the CBC’s Next Gen Den, and on Jan. 13, 2016, he moved into a new role as COO. …

Heart Institute begins expansion in 2016, following milestone year The University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI), which provides training and research opportunities for students as well as medical care to Ottawa residents, is celebrating its 40th anniversary. Starting their anniversary off on an ambitious note, the UOHI, which is affiliated with both the Ottawa Hospital …

Study looks to prepare astronauts for Mars while improving life on Earth All researchers are told to shoot for the moon, but one University of Ottawa team thinks that isn’t quite far enough. U of O researchers will be working with astronauts at the International Space Station (ISS) to learn about how changes in bone …

Kevin Page, Canada’s former and first Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO)—responsible for providing independant financial analysis to parliament—gave a talk to students on Nov. 23 at the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) building on his time as the PBO, and his hopes for Canada’s future and tell his story.

CBC shuts down comments on stories related to Indigenous people, cites uncivil dialogue The CBC has temporarily disabled comments on their online stories pertaining to Canada’s Indigenous people. The decision was made on Nov. 30. A blog post by the office of the general manager and editor-in-chief of the CBC said that posts related to …

More choice but could come at a cost, says U of O prof Beer will be sold in select grocery stores across Ontario, starting this December. Before this, only the Beer Store and LCBO were allowed to sell beer in Ontario. Thirteen chains were selected by the province to sell beer through a competitive bidding …

SFUO says it’s open to changes Some students are calling on the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) to reform its clubs system, which has received criticism from some clubs about some communications and funding procedures. The 175  clubs range from rock climbing to starcraft—there’s even a quidditch club. “There are different guidelines …

Research by University of Ottawa Professor Holly Johnson found that a number of women who reported sexual violence were deterred by the Ottawa Police’s response to violence against women. Johnson’s study was featured during the Shine the Light campaign, which aims to raise awareness of violence against women, at city hall on Nov. 4.

Upcoming CFS meeting to cover a variety of issues The Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) will be holding its 34th Annual General Meeting  Nov. 22-25 this year, according to On the agenda are motions such as making it easier for student unions to decertify from the CFS, launching a campaign in support of a …

A 16-year-old boy was shot in the back near Besserer and Chapel Streets in Sandy Hill around 3 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 9. According to the CBC, the boy was taken to the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario with “traumatic injuries.” There have been no updates on his condition at the time of publication. ​”The …

Ontario proposes new anti-carding regulations The province of Ontario plans to introduce new regulations designed to prevent  police from stopping people randomly on the street, also known as carding. Ontario Minister of Community Safety Yasir Naqvi made the announcement on Oct. 25, following a long debate over the practice of carding in Ontario. A number …

“This experience that the program offers is one of a kind,” said Lethania Martinez, one of the 11 mentors. “Being in the market and having access to these equipments and machinery, and amazing professors guiding you. That experience at the age that those students have is amazing.”

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