
Organ donation has been in the spotlight these days more than ever before, but statistics still show that while 90 per cent of Canadians support organ/tissue donation, less than 25 per cent have made plans to donate.

Campus Pride week may have come and gone at the University of Ottawa, but for Cody Boast, a third-year political science student, the incident that occurred on March 4 left him feeling little pride in his campus community.

MP Rob Clarke wants to amend the Indian Act, repeal outdated sections and improve Canada’s relations with it’s First Nations people.

Dr. Marc Garneau, federal Liberal Member of Parliament and prospective leader of the Liberal party, took time out of his campaign to participate in the University of Ottawa science faculty’s lecture series on Feb. 27.

A Facebook page set up to promote the Peer Help Centre and Centre for Students with Disabilities’ (CSD) “Let’s Talk About Mental Health” conference from March 9–10 caused controversy after the location of the event was listed as being on “unceded and unsurrendered Algonquin territory” at the University of Ottawa.

Before she left on an academic exchange, Shubha Nijihawan wanted to get vaccinated; what she got was a headache.

Student’s U-Pass concern finally resolved, SFUO issues refund Jane Lytvynenko | Fulcrum Staff Five months after submitting a request to refund her U-Pass fee, Julie Corrigan, a PhD student at the University of Ottawa, got her cheque in the mail. Corrigan, who went abroad to do research, exchanged 33 emails and many phone calls with …

Students were caught off guard on the morning of Feb. 12 when they went to pick up their weekly copy of La Rotonde and found newsstands empty.

Smith, who organized and spoke at the conference, talked about how he began his career with medical marijuana when he witnessed how marijuana helped people with AIDS in the mid-1990s.

The march—dubbed the Toxic Trick or Treat—was organized by the PowerShift conference that was held from Oct. 26—29 at the University of Ottawa and brought together over 1,000 students from across the country.

On Oct. 10, the Ottawa city council voted in favour of a motion to allow the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) to seek private-sector funding for a casino in the nation’s capital.

The Algonquin Students’ Association (ASA) started running ads that criticized OC Transpo for these changes. The ads were part of a campaign entitled “Age Does not Define a Student,” funded by the ASA.

Elections Canada has been taking their Democracy Week from coast to coast talking to students about democracy and the democratic process

The mayor of Ottawa is opening up the doors of City Hall and giving the city’s youth a chance to have their voices heard by their local government.

HOMELESSNESS IS A very real problem in Canada’s capital. According to the Alliance to End Homelessness, the city’s homeless shelters took in over 7,100 individuals for more than 440,000 overnight stays in 2010, and that excludes those who slept on the streets. Camping for the homeless March 12–16, five Telfer School of Management students hoped …

BEFORE MARCH 5, not many people knew who Joseph Kony was. Today, a video titled Kony 2012 has over 74 million views on YouTube. Kony 2012 is a campaign started by Invisible Children, an American organization fighting for the rights of Ugandan children who have been forced into active membership in Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance …

ELIZABETH MAY, LEADER of the Green Party of Canada and the first member of the party to sit in the House of Commons, is coming to the University of Ottawa to speak to students on March 5. The University of Ottawa Greens, who organized the event, invited May to answer the question, “Is Canada failing …

CANADA’S GREENEST HOME will be built this summer in Peterborough, Ont. The Endeavour Centre, a not-for-profit organization aimed at educating students in construction and design, plans on building the home during their five-month program of this year, making it their ninth sustainable project. Chris Magwood, executive director of the Endeavour Centre, said the aim of …

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