
The nationalist Law and Justice party — which the PLAD aligns itself with — passed a bill in February that made it illegal to claim Poland had any official role in the Holocaust, punishable by a fine and up to three years in prison. Although the law was quickly met with challenges from constitutional courts and the international community, it demonstrates the party’s hardline policy on defending Poland’s historical reputation.

On Nov. 15, Feringa lectured on the Art of Building Small, presented by the U of O’s New Horizons Lecture series. The lecture was part of a two-day visit to the U of O, which explored Feringa’s award-winning research in the realms of synthetic and physical organic chemistry, molecular machines, and light-directed smart drugs.

A formal complaint with the Ottawa Police Services (OPS) has been made by a resident of Barrhaven on Sept. 15 against Hadi Wess, former Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) president, who is currently running for city council in Ward 3, Barrhaven. Wess denies the allegations and the existence of a police report.

Ottawa heads to the polls on Oct. 22 to vote in this year’s municipal election. The Fulcrum spoke to candidates in five wards surrounding campus to hear their priorities and ideas on issues affecting students.

August 23, 2018 marked the first event of a yearlong campaign called Spill the Tea organized and hosted by MAX with support from ViiV Healthcare Canada. The campaign’s goal is to raise awareness and provide education and resources on safer party and play for “guys who are into guys” in the Ottawa Area.

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