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Nathalie Spooner and Marie-Philip Poulin (two goals) were the goal scorers for the women’s national team. Image: Team Canada/Provided
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The women’s team lost their first game by a score of 7-3

After taking part in four games against the women’s U.S national hockey team in the framework of the Rivalry Series, Team Canada continued its preparation for the 2022 Beijing Olympics with an interesting challenge: the Capital City Challenge.

This tournament regrouped the women’s national team with the best U17 male Canadian players which were separated into three teams: team white, team black and team red.

For the opening game, the Women’s Olympics team faced team white.

Unfortunately, for the women’s national team they were defeated 7-3.

Nathalie Spooner and Marie-Philip Poulin (two goals) were the goal scorers for the women’s national team.

The captain, Poulin, was excited about this opportunity to play against the best U17 talent in Canada.

“We are super excited to have been included in this challenge. The guys [U17 White] have a lot of skills. They are very fast,” said Poulin after the game.

We face a lot of challenges, and this season will have some ups and downs. It’s a tough stretch now because we are travelling and we travelled a lot this time but we do what we love,” said Saskatoon native, Emily Clark.

For women’s national team assistant coach, Kori Cheveri, it’s a great moment to continue the preparation for the Beijing Olympics games.

“We do a lot of preparation, we played a lot of games and some practices earlier, and we just try to build […] To wrap up here against the guys, we can always find something to take away from every game that we played.”
