
A face on a laptop using a silly straw

There is a lot of hype, hope, and money surrounding the major tech breakthrough that is AI. But one major resource is being used to fuel it all – freshwater.

Students can face additional challenges during cold months that make them extra vulnerable to not only getting sick, but staying sick. Fulcrum freelancer Kyla Perry suggests that the U of O can beat the “college plague” by being more accommodating.

news stand

Living in an age where you can read about every crisis happening in the world from your couch is overwhelming, to say the least. But Fulcrum freelancer Kyla Perry argues that critical consumption triumphs over apathy.

As feminist professors, it is our job to engage with Palestinian justice, in part because of the pivotal role Palestine plays in increasingly popular calls for transnational feminist frameworks to dismantle the structures of racism, heteropatriarchy, economic, environmental and colonial injustice around the world.

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