
only human
The audiobook edition of Only Human was released in April. Photo: provided
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Only Human, a science fiction novella, was originally published in 2013 as part of an anthology

Growing up in Buffalo, N.Y., it was natural for Frank Gullo to become a Buffalo Bills fan, a patron of the beaches across the border around Niagara Falls, and even to be an avid Hockey Night in Canada viewer. It was a little more unusual that Gullo chose to attend the University of Ottawa for his master’s degree. But the New York State native fell in love with the campus on his first visit.

Gullo only spent a couple years in Ottawa before returning to his hometown to work in the business and technology industry – an industry in which he has spent the last 25 years. However, Gullo has put his master in English to good use through non-fiction and fiction writing since graduating from the U of O in 1996.

Gullo’s Only Human, a science fiction novella, was originally published in 2013 as part of an anthology before being published as an e-book, paperback, and this past April, an audiobook. “I feel I’m more of a storyteller, whether that’s non-fiction, whether it’s consulting, whether it’s fiction,” he told the Fulcrum when asked how the process of writing articles and short stories differs from writing longer pieces of fiction.

“So for me, the art of doing longer form is more challenging,” continued Gullo. “It requires a lot of research, co-ordination, and also effort.” Gullo noted that learning the entire process of writing a story from the ground up has been one of his favourite parts about Only Human.

The book explores the theme of artificial intelligence, namely how robots and technology will affect different industries in the future. More specifically, it links back to Gullo’s love for football. The main character, Mark Borrasile, is a quarterback in a future where humans are beginning to be replaced by faster and stronger robots.

Gullo played football in high school, and argued that despite all the division in the world, sports are one of the only constant ways to unite people, citing how Europeans gather around football; Canadians around hockey, Americans around football and basketball, and all of us around the Olympics.

 “To me, sports is one of those unifiers, where at the end of the day, ability will dictate strategy,” said Gullo. “So it’s kind of a level playing field, in some ways. It’s a good prism of looking through society, culture, and life.”

Gullo said he plans to continue to reconnect with his creative side and the contacts he made at the University of Ottawa, and that he is excited to give back to students through mentoring opportunities.  

Only Human is available as a paperback, e-book, or audio book on Amazon, where you can listen with an Audible free trial. Following the release of the audiobook, he released The Girl and the Alien, another audiobook also centered on artificial intelligence, which is available for free on YouTube.

U of O Bookshelf is an exclusive series, bringing insightful interviews with University of Ottawa professors, former professors, and alumni who have made their mark in the literary world. Whether you’re a book lover, a student, or an alum, U of O Bookshelf offers a unique glimpse into the creative achievements of the U of O community as they are released.


  • Andrew was the sports editor for 2023-2024 and took over as co-EIC in April. He is in his fourth year of a Commerce degree, with an option in Business Tech Management.