Author: Opinions Editor

Hot for teacher

Ex-teacher Stacie Halas becomes the topic for a hot debate Her life was perfect: she had graduated from university; she landed her dream job... Read more.

Can’t dodge the drug testers

Steroid scandal uncovered in intramurals Jesse Colautti | Fulcrum Contributor IN WHAT CAN only be described as a shocking turn of events, the Chinchilla... Read more.

They’re just not worth it

Why being single is the smartest thing a student can do  Jesse Colautti | Fulcrum Contributor I’ll never forget what my mom told me the day I... Read more.

Underfoot and underappreciated

Winter blues set in for sidewalk salt  Julia Fabian | Fulcrum Staff ASK ANY CANADIAN and they will tell you that winters in our great country can be... Read more.

Cable TV on the go

Emily Manns | Fulcrum Staff Most students are weary of adding cable costs to their already long list of expenses, especially when most of the shows they want... Read more.


Manners matter Julia Fabian | Fulcrum Staff “ARE YOU A man or a woman?” It was about five years ago when these exact words were spoken to me. It was during... Read more.

A not-so-sweet arrangement

Sugar babies springing up across campus Jesse Colautti | Fulcrum Contributor THINGS NOT GOING well in your love life? Find yourself struggling to... Read more.


Million-dollar question Sofia Hashi | Fulcrum Staff I’VE ALWAYS WISHED I could experience what Biggie Smalls prophetically declared in his song “Mo’... Read more.


Don't be so literal—literally Jesse Colautti | Fulcrum Contributor I’M HERE TO warn everyone of the epidemic that is sweeping its way across North... Read more.

You better pay up!

... or else! Sofia Hashi | Fulcrum Staff Illustration by Mathias MacPhee Paying tuition sucks. Ask any college or university student and the grumbles and... Read more.

Let’s talk about sex, baby!

Thumbs up to the University of Toronto sex club Emily Manns | Fulcrum Staff Illustration by Brennan Bova At this very moment, students all over the world... Read more.

Criticism matters

Perspectives Sofia Hashi | Fulcrum Staff As a writer, it may seem strange to announce that I used to hate criticism. My job requires my editors to scour my... Read more.

New year, new you?

Should you make New Year’s resolutions? Photo Illustration by Mathias MacPhee The most wonderful time of the year A friend of mine once... Read more.

Just show me the money

Unpaid internships should be banned Sofia Hashi | Fulcrum Staff Photo illustration by Kyle Hansford  January, which means that amidst getting back to... Read more.

Thank you

What are you thankful for? Illustration by Mathias MacPhee So this is Christmas, and what are you thankful for? Okay, so that’s not how the lyrics... Read more.


Mo’ money, mo’ … medication? Sofia Hashi | Fulcrum Staff AS A UNIVERSITY student, the one word I hear more than “lectures,” “assignments,”... Read more.

Understanding mental health

The difference between mental illness and health Maya McDonald | Fulcrum Contributor Illustration by Brennan Bova YOU CAN’T PUT a Band-Aid on... Read more.

Just a job—not a career

Should students care about part-time work? Jane Lytvynenko | Fulcrum Staff The moment chicken started flying at my face and creamy coleslaw was... Read more.

Dating deal breakers

What’s the one thing that turns you off? We all have them: little checklists that we mentally tick off when it comes to our ideal romantic partner.... Read more.

Happy whatever

Celebrating nonsense Spencer Van Dyk | Fulcrum Staff Happy hug-a-journalist-day. If this page does not receive one million “likes” by 3 p.m., the wrath... Read more.