Binge-watching is nearly irresistible when given a choice between a multitude of streaming platforms. But what are the environmental impacts of having a streaming party?
Binge-watching is nearly irresistible when given a choice between a multitude of streaming platforms. But what are the environmental impacts of having a streaming party?
“There’s increased stress and anxiety among students because of the disruption and uncertainty caused by COVID-19,” said Rita Notarandrea, ceo of CCSA.
Echoing throughout the remnant stained glass of the former Sandy Hill All Saints Anglican Church on Sept. 17 was an emotional celebration of the first-ever diploma graduating class of the Inuit Community Support Worker and Management Trainee Program.
An offshoot of the infamous Instagram partying brand Canadian Party Life has collected thousands of followers by featuring attractive post-secondary students.
As students settle into the routine of online learning, students with disabilities observe the advantages and disadvantages of virtual classrooms.
Incoming students are eager to meet new people despite the current pandemic conditions, but how difficult is it really?
As the academic accommodations granted during the winter 2020 term were based on the context of being a student during the COVID-19 pandemic, one can only wonder why the same exceptions are not being granted when the reality of the situation has not changed.
Countless universities across the country will be hosting their frosh weeks for incoming students this week, but most will look drastically different than they have in years prior.
With a new virtual semester approaching, students who took part in the summer semester share their experiences with the ups and downs of their U of O’s first predominantly online semester.
The Black Lives Matter protests following George Floyd’s death have made it clear change is inevitable. But that change needs to also benefit and include Black womxn.
In a year riddled with crises, the attention of university administrations is understandably divided. But as the global COVID-19 pandemic has wracked the student population with isolation and grief, it’s now more important than ever that the university’s efforts to address the mental health crisis are not lost.
Students say the university’s mental health resources are lacking all around, but incompetent care affects the safety and well-being of its LGBTQ2+ community a little differently.
The Australian wildfires, the Iran plane crash, climate change, Kobe’s death — it seems impossible to escape bad news. Media saturation can impact our socialization, mood, mental health and ability to interact, for better and for worse.
Five students with mental health issues point to gaps in the school’s mental health system, including staggeringly long wait times, poor training of professors, and a lack of specialized counsellors.
Women’s rights, sexual abuse, LGBTQ+ visibility, racism, chronic illness: the Fulcrum has not strayed away from contentious issues this decade. Read here the best that the decade has had to offer.
Although they are fundamentally in conflict, experts believe climate policy and inclusion of Western interests in Canadian political discourse are not mutually exclusive.
Sustainability has become one of the hottest topics in all spheres of life, and the corporate world is no different. Some companies are frontrunners in sustainable development, but dishonesty and deceit regarding green initiatives — greenwashing — is a common issue.
We may not have flying cars, but in the age of cult-hit film Blade Runner, experts are already considering the dilemmas of morality presented in Ridley Scott’s masterpiece.
From health to academics to social life, university students with chronic illnesses have to prioritize things a little differently. Take a look inside their lives and find out what the university is and isn’t doing to help.
“The idea that is being broadcast to millennials is that they can and should have it all — the only thing standing between them and unimaginable success is laziness.”
Underdog candidates all over the country will hope Monday is their lucky day as they cross the finish line on grueling campaigns. For most, their campaign objective was simple: find an effective way to get your name and ideas out in the community to convince people that you deserve their vote on election day. But as an underdog up against a better-funded and better-known opponent this task can be near-impossible.
Over the past 100 years, therapy that sought to force heterosexuality — acquiring the name “conversion therapy” in the 1970s — has been present in Canada. But a mixture of shame and pseudoscience has always been at the root of conversion therapy.
The complex dynamics of the Canada-U.S. bilateral relationship In 1969, former prime minister Pierre Trudeau described the relationship between Canada and the United States in a memorable analogy. “Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it …
Canada is a country rich in demographics — and a diverse age-range of voters is just one example of that. However, some age groups seem to be less represented in the democratic process than others — namely, the voting-age youth.
“In the early nineties, we worried about kids passing notes, that was a distraction in class. We were taught how you intercept notes and the protocol on note-passing. We’ve just way surpassed that,” one local high school teacher says.