Comprehension on the chemical reactions was lowest when students only looked at structural components.
Comprehension on the chemical reactions was lowest when students only looked at structural components.
“The benefit is that we are helping to train physicians who are able to practice culturally safe care in serving Indigenous populations.”
The damage occurred over the winter break on the fourth floor of conference room 464. Access to the main stairwell and the room is now restricted for safety, but additional facilities and classes are fully operational.
U of O Facilities says it acted immediately to clean the small pieces of glass that shattered along the floors and stairwell.
An email released by the university said it “values and encourages freedom of expression, freedom of religion and full equality,” and is “committed to creating and maintaining a learning environment that promotes dignity and respect for all.”
“The federation continues to oppose the university’s actions and demands they sign a new agreement with the SFUO, recognizing that change has to come democratically from members, including student union employees unionized with CUPE 4943 whose jobs are under threat,” the CFS statement reads.
The research team used surgical procedures on adult-mice in order to explore their results, relating them back to adult-human neurological processes.
The protest was one of many across the province, in the wake of a series of cuts by the Ford government to Franco-Ontarian institutions that the party claims are necessary for austerity.
Wandure, aims to connect travellers to experiences run by local hosts while providing savvy hobbyists and tour guides with an opportunity to profit off their unique skills.
The Gateway’s comments centred around a photo Diotte posted on Twitter in February of 2017, posing with Goldy, in which he congratulated her on “making the media great again.”
Following the conference, IRGTE hopes to bring forward up to 12 policy recommendations to the federal government on Indigenous rights and extractive industries.
In August, the U of O’s Refugee Hub launched a fund of $3.5 million for potential donors, which secured 150 sponsor groups across 49 provinces.
The nationalist Law and Justice party — which the PLAD aligns itself with — passed a bill in February that made it illegal to claim Poland had any official role in the Holocaust, punishable by a fine and up to three years in prison. Although the law was quickly met with challenges from constitutional courts and the international community, it demonstrates the party’s hardline policy on defending Poland’s historical reputation.
Coming in December, the U of O will host a co-op student fair where students can pitch business seminars and connect with industry experts at the Kanata North technology park.
The federal labour relations board says a former public servant and University of Ottawa graduate was wrongfully terminated for working as a teaching assistant at the university while on sick leave for an anxiety disorder.
On Nov. 15, Feringa lectured on the Art of Building Small, presented by the U of O’s New Horizons Lecture series. The lecture was part of a two-day visit to the U of O, which explored Feringa’s award-winning research in the realms of synthetic and physical organic chemistry, molecular machines, and light-directed smart drugs.
Sparking friendship through academics and recreational discussions are just a couple of ways a new student-focused app hopes to connect students at Canadian universities.
A study conducted by the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and the University of Ottawa has found stark differences in concussion recovery times between adolescent male and female patients.
On Nov. 5 the University of Manitoba Student Union (UMSU) passed a motion recognizing individual reproductive freedoms, preventing reproductive coercion, and prohibiting graphic materials by its student groups.
A forensic report from PwC says the fraud allegations levelled against three SFUO executives were not factual.
Rachiq’s resignation was announced at the start of the meeting, along with the resignation of Gaga, and Emily Seguin, the board’s Indigenous representative.
Thirty food experts recently landed at the University of Ottawa to introduce nuance into the conversation on the future of protein production.
The City’s voter turnout increased by three points from the 2014 municipal election, at 42 per cent.
The curriculum change is the reason Evans decided to run for school trustee after losing as Ottawa-Vanier’s NDP candidate in the provincial election.
The letter highlights a series of recommendations for a new student union: a constitution that can only be amended at an annual General Assembly with a majority vote, elections managed by an independent third party, a model of governance which includes mechanisms for punitive action should trust be breached, and accountability to its membership.
The BOA of the SFUO met on Oct. 14 to discuss a series of 10 motions relating to governance and the ratification of the company handling online voting. Near the seven hour mark, quorum was lost as most of the United slate walked out.