With many months of online school ahead of us at the University of Ottawa, try to make your experience a little bit more comfortable by considering these studying from home office tips.
With many months of online school ahead of us at the University of Ottawa, try to make your experience a little bit more comfortable by considering these studying from home office tips.
The “right to repair movement” is a movement that focuses on allowing consumers to have access to the equipment, manuals and replacement parts that are necessary to repair their own devices.
CHEO and U of O have partnered with the City of Ottawa to work on a “shitty” research project dealing with local sewage.
In the age of online learning, an area of concern facing students living in rural areas and remote communities is the lack of high speed internet to attend lectures and conduct any form of evaluations.
With the recent reversion to ‘Stage 2’ lockdowns, local Ottawa businesses are being left in the dust. Atop of decreased student presence and navigating virtual services, how are these businesses adjusting?
What’s new at the University of Ottawa biophysics labs: an investigation into the research being conducted at the STEM complex and the possibility of an updated virtual lab tour for students.
With the new academic term progressing along, many students have been noticing that their older laptops can’t manage the new workload they need for online school. Most older laptops contain broken keyboards, lackluster screens, slow hard drives, and a lack of memory to handle their day to day tasks. If that’s your situation, here are a few tips on how to upgrade your laptop.
The Telfer Marketing Association and Telfer Career Centre hosted a series of panels and talks with big companies to announce internship opportunities and educate students on what each company does. There were talks from Amazon, Proctor and Gamble, and LinkedIn.
A Spotlight on the University of Ottawa Esports Club: How the competitive gaming scene has made its way onto the University of Ottawa campus.
Azadeh Dastmalchi a University of Ottawa PhD student and the co-founder of VitalTracer has developed a smartwatch that can monitor vitals and help in the fight against COVID-19.
In 2019, the Indigenous Resource Center published their Indigenous Action Plan which outlines four hoops that plan to integrate Indigenous knowledge and representation into the University of Ottawa. Recently one area of concern has been the lack of representation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
Dr. Jessica Forrest, an associate professor at the University of Ottawa and her team at Forrest Lab have been researching how climate change has been affecting bee biology and pollination ecology.
On Sept. 15, the University of Ottawa’s Hackathon group, uOttaHack, hosted a panel showcasing tech interns.
On Sept.9, students in CSI 4139, Design of Secure Systems, joined their class using YouTube live streams only to see their private information leaked on YouTube.
Two University of Ottawa students, Eve Staszczyszyn and Livia Han have worked with students from the University of Waterloo BETS Program and the Queen’s Center for Advanced Computing to develop Wellness World; a portal aimed to combat the mental health crisis centered around the U of O community.
When students think of tough exams there is one particular entry that takes the cake. It’s the William Lowell Putnam Competition, a grueling six hour mathematics exam with extremely difficult conceptual problems in which the top math students at the world’s best universities compete in.
The University of Ottawa Students’ Union hosted an event called STEMinism to provide advice and help to women and non-binary individuals studying in a STEM degree. The Fulcrum was there and here’s what we learned!
For a lot of students working from home, having a computer that can handle your workload for the fall semester is essential. After building a few PC’s in the past, here are a few tips that will help you build your own personalized computer.
In an announcement sent out by the Information Technology Department at the University of Ottawa, all students’ emails will be migrated from Google’s mail platform Gmail, to Microsoft’s Outlook platform.
With students enrolling for their fall and winter semesters, many have been reluctantly using the course selection tool provided by the University of Ottawa on uoZone. This tool has become notorious for being difficult to use, and having schedules that are very difficult to plan with conflicts that are hard to track.
The University of Ottawa will allow professors to use the Respondus Lockdown Browser to conduct online exams. Meant to combat academic fraud the software has raised a number of accessibility and privacy concerns among students. The software is also detected as malware by some antivirus software and may not be effective at all in combating academic fraud.
University of Ottawa researchers Kimberly Mitchell and Vance Trudeau have discovered a new hormone in zebrafish that could help combat human infertility. The researchers were accompanied by a group of students who observed Zebrafish mating patterns and were instrumental in completing the project.
As hospitals brace for an expected surge of COVID-19 patients and concerns around a shortage of personal protective equipment grow, University of Ottawa engineers are pumping out plastic face shields for frontline health-care workers at the Richard L’Abbé Makerspace lab on campus.
Five University of Ottawa professors are receiving more than $2 million in funding from the federal government to support research projects aimed at addressing the COVID-19 epidemic.
Last month, 246 Canadian academics collaborated with Extinction Rebellion and signed an open letter that called on the federal government to take action against the climate crisis. The Fulcrum spoke with two of the seven University of Ottawa professors who signed the letter.