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Ode, this year’s grad show, will be one of the largest ever. An annual tradition, this is the last opportunity for artists in their final year of their undergraduate degree to present their work that has been the product of four years of artistic exploration and self-discovery. The exhibit is run entirely by the students, who organized themselves into groups responsible for fundraising, planning for the opening night, or creating the catalogue.

Hair might be meaningless to some, but it’s important to acknowledge the significance it can bear to the one it belongs to. For people of African descent, afro-textured hair is intrinsically linked to our identity and continued effort to accept ourselves as we are. That is why efforts like #SupportThePuff are more than just hoopla over hair.

Despite Nicholson’s decision, many Canadians believe that Diab is innocent and has been wrongly accused. A group of these Canadians have become so passionate about the case that they created an organization called Justice for Hassan Diab, and have raised money through crowdfunding on Indiegogo to create a documentary to spread the word about Diab’s story.

However, in a show dominated by soulful pop hits, the most memorable moments came from the classic rockers. Singing “If I’m gonna go down, I’ll go down rockin” (which is as good a mantra as any), Bryan Adams brought some much-needed bare-bones, no-nonsense rock-and-roll to the night.

Back in 2012, it seemed like e-learning was going to set the world of academia on fire. That never happend, so what does web based learning look like today.

Many schools publish write ups and hold press conferences to drum up excitement, feeding their fans all the information they need on their new addition. For Gee-Gees fans, it has been radio silence for not only this recruiting year, but for many years past.

The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) has announced that it will be making significant cuts to its services and staff over the summer to avoid bankruptcy. The announcement, which was posted to the SFUO website on March 31, stated that “due to a significant cash flow shortage, this service provision will be reduced throughout the summer months.”

As one of the most dangerous scoring threats to ever don the garnet and grey, Francki was part of the veteran core of Gee-Gees teams that were perennial national championship contenders.

On March 23 at Art-Is-In Bakery on City Centre Avenue, many of these artists came out to the bakery’s “Latte Art Throwdown” event to battle it out against other baristas to be crowned the true champion of latte art in the Capital.

The book will be split into two parts, with the first focusing on the travel, culture, and community aspect of Ottawa, and the second offering essays from Ottawa locals that encompass and relate to the city. Ebere and Muse are hoping that this will represent more people’s view of the city, giving a deeper inside perspective of what it means to live in Canada’s capital.

If survivors are already having trouble coming forward in sexual assault cases, as less than one per cent of these offences get reported to the police, money acts as another barrier to justice. This is why sexual assault survivors should have access to free or discounted lawyers for civil suits.

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