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Lindberg’s novel centers around Bernice Meetoos, a young Cree woman from Northern Alberta, who leaves her community and travels to British Columbia on a physical, and internal, journey. Although the book is fictional and not based off of Lindberg, who is an As’in’i’wa’chi Ni’yaw Nation Rocky Mountain Cree woman herself hailing from the Kelly Lake Cree Nation community in Alberta, she says that she has drawn from her life for inspiration for it.

Fourth-year communications student Kendra Sellick, third-year marketing student Taylor Sudermann, and third-year international studies and modern languages student Taviana Macleod will be travelling to Europe to show that they have what it takes to survive a week in Europe by using only 24 cans of Red Bull as currency.

The competitive U of O dance club celebrated their 25th anniversary at their annual showcase, held at the Ottawa Little Theatre on March 13. The theme of this year’s showcase was “retrospect”, reflecting upon the team’s evolution over the past 24 years.

The sorry state of the Canadian dollar isn’t just tied to dismal oil prices. According to News Editor Eric Davidson, students should be on the look-out for how the struggling loonie will influence the prices of food, textbooks, and even booze.

Second GA of academic year to be held on campus, feature six motions The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) will be holding a General Assembly (GA) in Marion Auditorium on Tuesday, March 15 at 6 p.m. where students will have the opportunity to vote on motions around accommodating students, decertificaiton of misogynist …

Admin considers suspending construction projects after four years in the red With the recent financial struggles of the university, estimating a deficit of $7.6 million for 2015-16, the administration suggested some new ways to deal with this at the most recent Board of Governors (BOG) meeting on Feb. 22. These suggestions included using faculty surpluses to …

One of the voices that will be celebrated at the event is that of Amy Iliza, who made her spoken word debut back in Sept. 2015 at House of PainT’s OG 500 poetry slam competition, where she also met Fragiskatos. The two kept in touch after the competition, leading Fragiskatos to ask Iliza to perform at Fire and Ice when she was putting together the showcase.

GAs provide a much needed chance for student engagement Most of the time, it’s quite difficult not to be cynical about our student federation. The General Assemblies (GA) held by the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) alone tend to raise doubts as to the SFUO’s efficacy, as they have seen consistently low …

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