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In lieu of International Education Week, the Fulcrum talks about why so many Canadian students are hesitant to study outside of this country.

On Nov. 19, Helbig will be visiting the U of O to do a talk based on his photobook Beautiful Destruction. The book contains 200 aerial photographs of the Alberta oil and tar sands, and essays by 15 different contributors, including leader of the Green Party Elizabeth May as well as Globe and Mail journalist Eric Reguly.

In an effort to reinforce our patriotism, and temporarily make our way back onto Canadian soil, a friend and I decided to purchase tickets from Paris to Arras, a city just eight kilometres east of the memorial. We arrived at Arras station at around 4 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 8 and waited for a taxi to arrive to take us to the memorial. Alas, hours later and after many calls, no taxi came.

A 16-year-old boy was shot in the back near Besserer and Chapel Streets in Sandy Hill around 3 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 9. According to the CBC, the boy was taken to the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario with “traumatic injuries.” There have been no updates on his condition at the time of publication. ​”The …

Removing cars and increasing other options can only improve downtown Many major cities struggle to find a balance between moving both cars and pedestrians around, including in Ottawa where it has been long debated whether it would be best for Sparks Street to reintroduce access for vehicles. However, not only should Sparks Street stay car …

Hip-hop jazz trio to perform concert for Ottawa drop-in centre There are many ways that musicians get involved with charity work. Few of these artists, however, tend to get involved with charity through their mothers. Chester Hansen, the bassist of Toronto-based hip-hop jazz trio BADBADNOTGOOD (BBNG), and his group will be performing a benefit concert …

The Zolas are touring in the wake of the release of their latest EP, Wino Oracle, which came out Oct. 2. The four songs on the EP are a bit of a departure from the rhythmic experimental rock style of their first two studio albums. With its fast tempos and dance-friendly beats, Wino Oracle is much more lively and upbeat than their older music.

The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) has posted the unofficial results of the election and healthcare referendum. The results were posted on the SFUO’s Facebook page on Oct. 24 and 27, respectively. Romeo Ahimakin was elected as vice-president of services and communications, with 1012 votes compared to 272 for Melanie Malo and 208 …

“Like all Canadians, members of the University of Ottawa community have been deeply moved by the plight of refugees fleeing war in Syria and other countries,” said Allan Rock, president of the U of O, in a press release. “We feel an obligation to act in practical ways that will make a difference.”

Human Rights Watch is an NGO that conducts research and advocacy missions concerning human rights around the world. Muscati focuses on the impact of conflicts and human rights violations on civilians, specifically women and girls.

Tim Hortons. Starbucks. Café Alt. Première Moisson. All of these establishments sell coffee on campus. But which joint serves up the best cup of joe?

If you look in the right places, you’ll find that “the town that fun forgot” is actually home to its fair share of ghastly ghost stories and haunted hot spots that are anything but boring.

Photo: CC, Green Party of Canada The Green Party has included in their platform a proposal to create a Guaranteed Livable Income for Canadians that would be paid out to all. Some call this the next best step in social welfare policies, others don’t support it. Point: A minimum income will benefit all According the …

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