Live from the Archives

Live from the Archives Illustration
A copy of the Fulcrum's first ever cover page is kept at the Fulcrum offices. Image: Christine/Wang.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

English Debating and Dramatic Society establish new newspaper called the Fulcrum

Originally published in February of 1942.

Content Warning: Sexual abuse.

You were students in years gone by; you studded your scholastic days with achievements that have carved for you a lasting niche in the hearts of all who pledge loyalty to the Garnet and Grey… Many of you are now covering yourselves and your Alma Mater with glory by your unfailing adherence to the principles instilled into you during your college days. Many of you are in the front line of this war: you are blocking with your very lives the fissures that have broken in the dike that protects man from a deluge of bestial philosophies. To you especially, the student of to-day look into admiration; you are adding gloriously to the distinguished record of the sons of your college. To all of you, our alumni and unfailing friends, we are privileged to dedicate this college paper. 

The desirability of a newspaper for the English speaking students of the University has long been recognized. It is with legitimate pride that the English Debating and Dramatic Society now announces the publication of this college journal. This initiative at a time when college days are crowded with more activity than perhaps ever before may surprise some. It will be, however, heartily applauded by those familiar with the tireless endeavours of the former executives and members of our Debating Society for the realization of the project, as well as by those who have witnessed the enthusiasm and unprecedented team-work of the students in the preparation of this first issue.

The front page of the first ever issue of the Fulcrum. Image: Archives/Fulcrum.

It is our hope that the Fulcrum will accomplish credibility the mission suggested by the definition of the word “Fulcrum”, “that by which influence is brought to bear.” We look to the day when the “Fulcrum” influences to an appreciable degree the relations between student and his University, the day when this paper bunds the student more closely to his fellows and to the enjoyment of a fuller, richer student life. 

For those no longer with us, we hope that, through the news of our alumni, through the glorious games of the Garnet and Grey played once again in our columns and through the contacts re-established with professors and class-mates, they will live again the happy hours of their college days. 

The Fulcrum will be published eight times in the course of the college term. Its publication involves, —among other things—no small financial responsibility for the Debating Society. To defray expenses the Society must count on the gifts and subscriptions of former students of the University. We ask them to send without delay the yearly subscription fee of one dollar with their names and address, to “The Fulcrum”, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. We shall be grateful for any larger contributions. 

The Fulcrum is your paper, dedicated entirely to the interests of our students of today and yesterday. It has come into being in answer to repeated and persistent requests that such an organ be established. It is founded with the hope and expectation that you, sons and friends of Ottawa U, will lead to it the support you have never failed to show to your College and to the course of Catholic education. 

Facts about this article 

  • This article was featured on the front page of the first ever issue of the Fuclrum back in February of 1942.
  • John Beahen was the first ever Editor-in-Chief of the Fulcrum. Beahen later went on to become a Catholic bishop and was accused of both sexual abuse and sweeping sexual abuse allegations under the rug. He died in 1988.
  • The Fulcrum hit newsstands for the first time in February of 1942, founded by the English Debating and Dramatic Society and led by Lorenzo Danis, who went on to launch the U of O’s Faculty of Medicine.
