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External commissioner

The external commissioner is responsible for organizing the association’s campaigns, overseeing media relations, and representing GSAÉD when meeting with other organizations.

Internal commissioner

The internal commissioner oversees the GSAÉD staff, communication with departmental graduate students’ associations, and the organization of all meetings with the chair. He or she must ensure all official documents are in both official languages.

Finance commissioner

The finance commissioner acts as an internal auditor and financial advisor for GSAÉD and is responsible for all funds organized by the association. He or she must organize and manage budgets for the association and for all businesses run by the association.

Student life commissioner

The student life commissioner represents graduate student interests with student service-related bodies of the University of Ottawa. He or she is responsible for the general operations of Café Nostalgica, and is a representative of the association in internal and external matters.

University affairs commissioner

The university affairs commissioner is responsible for representing the interests of graduate students with academic and administrative bodies of the University of Ottawa. He or she must assist any member with complaints or appeals if requested and is responsible for coordinating conferences of the association.

—Christopher Radojewski