anti-black racism

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“The very presence of more Black folk validates the [new President’s Action Committee for an Anti-Racist and Inclusive Campus] and validates Frémont’s inaction. Any validation for the University of Ottawa to move forward with the committee is a step against systemic change for anti-Black racism at the University of Ottawa,” said Jamal Koulmiye-Boyce.

Letter to the Editor

“As student representatives to the Board of Governors of the University of Ottawa, we want to express our disappointment with the response of the University and many members of our community to the recent racist events occurring on campus,” write Jamie Ghossein & Saada Hussen the undergraduate student representatives on the University of Ottawa’s Board of Governors.

A town hall discussion on anti-Black racism on the U of O campus saw more than 30 Black students and staff share discriminatory incidents that they have experienced at the school. Speakers presented a number of different recommendations that the school implement, including hiring more Black professors and changing curriculum.