As we deviate towards quick and easy consumable content, our experience of the world becomes a bunch of fragments, absent of nuance.
As we deviate towards quick and easy consumable content, our experience of the world becomes a bunch of fragments, absent of nuance.
One thing we’ve learned from the lone successful GA—students are more likely to show up if they feel like their presence will make some kind of impact.
When it comes to these rankings, there’s a lot more at stake than the decision of a single high school student. In reality, the well-being of the universities can hang in the balance as well.
Most students don’t understand what’s going on, so by organizing such an official sit-down session on campus they could answer important questions like: why is free tuition important?
A study by a University of Ottawa professor suggests that new technological teaching tools can help increase student engagement and classroom focus in large lecture halls at the U of O.
Solutions to the ongoing dearth of student housing on and near the U of O campus will be at the forefront of the election as several candidates intend to pursue a housing strategy.
My parents found out about the engagement through Facebook. Sounds like the punchline to a bad millennial joke, doesn’t it?