
Parpart’s lecture, presented by Centre for International Policy Study and the International Theory Network (ITN)’s speaker series, sought to bring nuance to the topics of silence, voice, and how women handle dangerous and gendered situations.

When mental illness is turned into a challenge to be overcome rather than a diagnosable and treatable issue, it turns asking for help into a shameful surrender.

Alternative Waves features contributions from many of the WRC’s volunteers this semester. The zine has different forms of content, from a list concerning “Consent Culture at Clubs & Parties”, to an essay entitled “Gender and Transformation in Woolf’s To the Lighthouse”.

In the documentary, Kilbourne says ads don’t only sell products. “They sell images, they sell concepts of love and sexuality, of success, and perhaps most important, of normalcy,” she says. “To a great extent they tell us who we are, and who we should be.”