Despite the excitement of returning to campus, the first few weeks of the fall semester is when students are at greatest risk for sexual assault and harassment.
Despite the excitement of returning to campus, the first few weeks of the fall semester is when students are at greatest risk for sexual assault and harassment.
“We’re leading consultations with the student body and with different stakeholders and will relay those comments to HRO. And I would be surprised that this was the last UOSU has to say on this file, given the nature of the document that was presented,” said UOSU president Tim Gulliver.
The survey measured the prevalence rates of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and stalking on campuses since the start of the 2017-18 academic year to the time the survey was conducted from February to April 2018. At the U of O, prevalence rates were below or in line with averages across Ontario universities.
Morin filed the original incident with the Ottawa police service on September 26, 2015. Now, almost a year later, she said that while the year has been tough she is proud of herself and the impact her story has had on other women.