In a groundbreaking study spanning over two decades, a research team led by U of O faculty has reconstructed the history of the Thule people — the ancestors of modern-day Inuit people — and revised the timeline of human occupation of the Arctic.
In a groundbreaking study spanning over two decades, a research team led by U of O faculty has reconstructed the history of the Thule people — the ancestors of modern-day Inuit people — and revised the timeline of human occupation of the Arctic.
Echoing throughout the remnant stained glass of the former Sandy Hill All Saints Anglican Church on Sept. 17 was an emotional celebration of the first-ever diploma graduating class of the Inuit Community Support Worker and Management Trainee Program.
Among the highlights are a national plan that would better coordinate Canada’s various crisis hotlines, and additional programming for racialized, LGBTQ+, and Indigenous populations.
Trudeau’s administration claims to have made reconciliation and compensation efforts with Canada’s First Nations peoples a key part of their platform.
In the bygone age of 2012, a throat-singing ensemble of ex-punks chanting about clubbing seals and food security in Iqaluit was too out-there to be picked up by all but the most indie of labels.
Some highlights from the Culture Week include Tuesday’s beading workshop—intricate beading designs being a large part of Métis and some First Nations cultures—in which non-Indigenous students can learn about and practice creating their own beadwork.
The rally was held in conjunction with a Nov. 29 hearing at the Supreme Court between the Clyde River Inuit and the Crown over a decision made by the National Energy Board that will allow companies to conduct seismic testing near Clyde River, Nunavut.