ontario public interest research group

“if OPIRG does all this amazing work and has been around for so long, why are we receiving a defunding referendum question? The University of Ottawa Student  Union [UOSU] may have some answers for that, but we’ll save you the trip.”

uPanel Racism logo

“The very presence of more Black folk validates the [new President’s Action Committee for an Anti-Racist and Inclusive Campus] and validates Frémont’s inaction. Any validation for the University of Ottawa to move forward with the committee is a step against systemic change for anti-Black racism at the University of Ottawa,” said Jamal Koulmiye-Boyce.

On Oct. 14, Marcus Mattinson, a fourth-year public administration student at the U of O, started a Facebook campaign asking students to sign his petition to remove the levy for Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG)