Hamilton is at least moving in the right direction with their new education based approach to regulating predatory payday loans.
Hamilton is at least moving in the right direction with their new education based approach to regulating predatory payday loans.
Is cap and trade really an efficient way to combat climate change, and how will this system affect Ontarians in the long run?
How many great works of literature would never have been written because someone decreed that making faster computers was a more worthwhile endeavor?
Recently, the Ontario government floated the idea of scrapping the mandatory half-credit that is grade 10 civics class, where high school students are supposed to learn what it means to be a Canadian citizen. Is this a good idea?
The province’s annual wage increase came into effect on Oct. 1, bringing the current $11.25 per hour rate to $11.40 per hour for adult employees.
In the end, there just isn’t enough reason to support large increases in the minimum wage. Should there be a minimum wage? Yes. A reasonably high minimum wage? Also yes. But $15 an hour? No.
Women are affected by domestic violence, but it isn’t enough to support women in general. Targeted funding must be given to the groups of women in Ontario that face the highest barriers to overcoming abuse.
With the overwhelming evidence in favour of vaccination, refusal to vaccinate does constitute neglect, on the same spectrum as trying to treat meningitis with garlic.
If a judge allows police to search the phone of someone indirectly involved in a crime they may end up finding evidence of a completely different offence, even if that person was never arrested or even a suspect in that first crime.
The Ontario provincial government has increased its minimum wage from $11.25 to $11.40, announced on March 18. However the new minimum wage won’t come into effect until Oct. 1.
Think tank offers practical learning in public finance, set to open this year The University of Ottawa is set to be the first university in Canada to open an Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy (IFSD) after it was announced on Feb. 25 that it would receive funding from the Ontario government. The institute’s emphasis …
2016 budget cuts mean future work to rebuild damaged system The recent release of the 2016 Ontario budget comes with a great deal of promise for students, with the new Ontario Student Grant to allow increased access to university for families of lower incomes. However, while the provincial government has made large strides in education, …
New Liberal budget promises to make financing post-secondary education easier The Ontario provincial government unveiled their new budget on Feb. 25, and it spelled out some good news for students. One of the main features of the budget is the Ontario Student Grant, which looks to improve the process of financing students from different income …
Proposed bill cuts down on landfill waste, frees up government funds The Waste-Free Ontario Act is an excellent step forward in dealing with a world that is increasingly seeing the effects of environmental degradation. The proposed law, currently under public consultation, would shift the cost of recycling products that currently go into the black or …
Suspended police still make sunshine list The Ottawa Police Service spent more than half a million dollars in salaries on suspended officers last year, according to the sunshine list, a database that lists all of the public servants in Ontario that make over $100,000 a year. “At what point do we stop?” said Ottawa Police …
Some restrictions for public use needed, but have to be specific Last week the government of Ontario announced, and then reversed, its policy on where medical marijuana users could use their medicine. The one-day policy moved to exempt users from the laws regarding public smoking, which meant that medical marijuana users could light up pretty …
More choice but could come at a cost, says U of O prof Beer will be sold in select grocery stores across Ontario, starting this December. Before this, only the Beer Store and LCBO were allowed to sell beer in Ontario. Thirteen chains were selected by the province to sell beer through a competitive bidding …
Ontario’s break-up of Beer Store and LCBO monopoly way overdue The government of Ontario is moving to let grocery stores sell beer, in a plan to modernize alcohol sales in the province. Allowing more stores to sell beer is a good start, and with this move comes an opportune time to break up other government …
The Gee-Gees won last year’s Panda Game—well at least 59 minutes of it.
The U of O planned to create a French and French-immersion campus that would’ve offered undergraduate programs as well as specialized trade programs in Woodstock.
Pit bulls, the first and foremost on a blacklist of dogs that have become victims of our irrational fears and ill-placed judgments, have certainly earned a reputation they don’t deserve.
A report by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) suggests that universities are doing a very poor job of assessing the most basic skills of their graduates.
The University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic plans to develop and provide family law services with the help of part of a $2-million provincial investment in university law clinics.
The Ontario branch of the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) unanimously voted to boycott Israel at their latest general meeting following ongoing conflicts in the region.
Over the last 10 years, Ontario has increased funding to post-secondary education by 83 per cent, but student representatives point out that young people are still struggling to afford it.