
A lack of debate minimizes important healthcare issues in Ontario Photo by Mico Mazza It has long been an underlying assumption of Canadian political campaigns that healthcare is untouchable. Mention it and you will regret it at the polls. A discomfort across the population exists when anything departing from our current model is suggested, even …

Government of Ontario reallocates money to fund 30 per cent tuition rebate ELIGIBLE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS were able to receive a 30 per cent tuition rebate from the Government of Ontario on Jan. 5. Funds for the $432-million project were reallocated from other areas of post-secondary education, such as a $42-million funding cut from research grants …

CFS holds National Day of Action to drop tuition fees THE CANADIAN FEDERATION of Students (CFS) and its member schools will see thousands of students rally against high tuition fees across the country, including University of Ottawa participants who plan to march to Parliament Hill to make their message heard on Feb. 1. “The day …

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