BOG vice-president resources Marc Joyal started his presentation by talking about how the U of O is facing an estimated $14.6-million deficit for the current fiscal year, a period that ends on April 30, 2017.
BOG vice-president resources Marc Joyal started his presentation by talking about how the U of O is facing an estimated $14.6-million deficit for the current fiscal year, a period that ends on April 30, 2017.
Moody’s Investors Service, which provides credit ratings and risk analyses to organizations around the world, released a report on Sept. 29 that characterizes the University of Ottawa’s recent debt issuance as “stable.”
The meeting covered a wide range of topics, from finances to the recent Student Academic Success Service (SASS) security breach.
The University of Ottawa’s Graduate Students’ Association (GSAÉD) is demanding the removal of Robert Head, its representative on the university’s Board of Governors (BOG), it said in a statement released on Nov. 16.
Dear Colleagues, I am in receipt of my e-bill from the University of Ottawa, which I will share: My bill for this semester is $3,410.77, including $925.40 for things I have no interest in supporting. This is a substantial amount for a Canadian student. Tuition is reasonable. The fees being grabbed for programs supported by …
The unofficial election results for the Graduate Students’ Association (GSAÉD) came in late March 19, with an independent candidate winning the only contested race among five allied candidates.
The University of Ottawa’s graduate students will have a turn at the polls next week as the Graduate Students’ Association (GSAÉD) elections take place March 17–19.