In the fall of 2025, U of O students will be able to enroll in a new class discussing digital literacy.
In the fall of 2025, U of O students will be able to enroll in a new class discussing digital literacy.
Targeting mitochondrial dynamics—the ways that mitochondria alter their structure within cells—could be crucial in stopping the development of cancer, according to research by Dr. Julie St-Pierre and her colleagues.
These bio-innovators are growing Ozempic in plants. This group of individuals in synthetic biology isn’t just playing around in the lab; rather, they are changing the way we approach medicine, research, and even space exploration.
Today’s medical facilities, research centers, and public health initiatives depend heavily on the effective and seamless operation of healthcare management.
In a groundbreaking study spanning over two decades, a research team led by U of O faculty has reconstructed the history of the Thule people — the ancestors of modern-day Inuit people — and revised the timeline of human occupation of the Arctic.
“The mission of soapbox is twofold. It’s to promote the work that they’re doing, but to also let folks know, young and old that they can get into STEM – it’s not specific to a gender and really everybody can love and do wonderful science.”
Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night? Do you experience feelings of dread before or during your studies? Have you or any of your family ever seen a math-anxious student? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, don’t wait another minute: pick up the phone and call the professionals.
Consider the opinions of three different computer science students at varying stages in their degree.
“We recognize that all people should be afforded equal access to medical equipment to ensure they can live with the best quality of life possible, irrespective of their background or socioeconomic status,”said Emma Grigor.
The bison have been experiencing a change in their habitat, the shallow lakes whose shores they depend on for their nutrition have been expanding, making the habitat unfit for the Mackenzie herd.
“More toxic doesn’t mean the other one’s not toxic. So at environmental levels, the chemicals in the Alberta oil sands would cause similar problems. These are not safe chemicals by any imagination. They’re just less toxic than the other ones,” said U of O professor Vance Trudeau.
“I’m not sure there’s such a thing as always adaptive and always maladaptive emotion regulation strategies. And I think that’s probably too simplistic or reductive, right. We need to be picking what works in the moment,” said U of O researcher Allison Ouimet.
Researcher Sebastian Echeverri describes their courtship as a musical show which includes both a song and dance that are coordinated together. Like any good show, they build tension throughout and leave the best performance for last.
Mallon discusses what to expect at a dig, dino myths and why dinos were so big Jordan Mallon is a research scientist at the Canadian Museum of Nature here in Ottawa. He mainly studies horned dinosaur evolution and dinosaur paleoecology which is the study of past ecology. This week Mallon interviewed with the Fulcrum to …
HAS IT EVER amazed you how quickly children seem to recover from injuries? Tumbles and falls are just part of everyday play. But it’s not what it’s like for adults — or grandparents for that matter. Falling or breaking a bone can be a dangerous event, because injuries are not easily healed.
Why is that?
“The ratios of the sterols told us that there were two periods of increased fruit eating relative to insect eating” said U of O PhD student Lauren Gallant.
The ability to see the development of the zebra fish’s nervous system under the microscope has provided an amazing advantage over other animal models of the spinal cord.
In short, pseudoscience is presented like science, but lacks the same rigour that science undergoes. As a result, it makes the two extremely difficult to discern.
Starr mainly studies plant systematics, which is the science that names, discovers and determines evolutionary relationships of organisms
His main areas of study include spatial variation in the abundance of ectotherm populations, the evolutionary maintenance of polymorphisms, and applied conservation work
“I hope to accomplish creating a new generation of scientists that will be able to go out into the world and be successful and effective members of society in their role as scientists”
“In the long term the reconstruction of the mammoth’s movements can help scientists better understand extinction,” said U of O professor Clement Bataille
If successful, these viruses could become an effective therapy in fighting breast and ovarian cancers providing hope to those who need it the most.
Thirty years after the Polytechnique massacre in Montreal, women in the world of STEM continue to face gender inequality and discrimination. Students in STEM at the U of O reflect on the tragedy and highlight issues persisting within their fields.
“We care for patients — we have been for 25 years — using basic science and role models with collaborators in various fields including chemistry, molecular biology, imaging, and others, to try and really characterize the changes between mobility to better prevent and treat them,” says U of O professor Guy Trudel.