The University of British Columbia (UBC) president and vice-chancellor, Santa Ono, as well as the director of the School of Population and Public Health (SPPH), Peter Berman have come under fire for travelling out of the country in recent weeks.
The University of British Columbia (UBC) president and vice-chancellor, Santa Ono, as well as the director of the School of Population and Public Health (SPPH), Peter Berman have come under fire for travelling out of the country in recent weeks.
Though discussing the fine line between having one too many and misuse or addiction can be sobering, the Fulcrum encourages students to reformulate the extreme narratives around alcohol to make a little room for those who need support.
This statement comes in the wake of Steven Galloway’s first public statement since he was fired by the university, in which it is said that the only substantiated complaint of a sexual nature had to do with a two-year, extra-marital affair.
Since its implementation earlier this year, the federal government’s new computerized Phoenix payroll system, designed to simplify the payment process, has compromised the regular pay of more than 80,000 federal government employees, many of whom are students.
Throughout the play, Tessler portrayed herself, as well as the other people who were along for her mental health journey, including her parents and doctors. She demonstrated many typical experiences one goes through when dealing with mental illness, but still kept it uniquely her own, with singing and dancing, as well as personal anecdotes of how she dealt with the experience.
A sessional lecturer on human sexuality in the department of psychology at the University of British Columbia refutes claims made in a TEDx talk that warn of the dangers of Internet pornography.