
messy bed

Most assaults are perpetrated not by some lurking stranger, but by someone the victim already knows Content warning: sexual assault and rape Her name is Jacinta*. She is a first-year student, not so different from the ones you know: adjusting to her new major, working part-time, hanging out with friends on the weekends. Last month …

Ontario (CUP)—Alongside the typical promises of a high-energy time to help first-years adjust to student life at Laurier Brantford, this year campus administration is setting forth initiatives to ensure that students are aware of the university’s growing commitment to sexual assault awareness. “We want to let everyone know that we’re making conversations about consent and …

Regardless of political finger-pointing or posturing, the events that transpired in Montreal are a tragedy. No matter how careful we are to tone down our rhetoric or find common ground in the wake of a crisis, there will always be individuals whose motivations we cannot fully understand.