The Gee-Gees women’s basketball team will slide out of the country’s number one ranking as they suffer their second loss of the season in their first matchup with the still-undefeated Carleton Ravens.
The Gee-Gees women’s basketball team will slide out of the country’s number one ranking as they suffer their second loss of the season in their first matchup with the still-undefeated Carleton Ravens.
Amanda Doku was one of two students from the University of Ottawa to receive the prestigious scholarship for the 2022-23 academic year.
Let’s stop dictating when a woman should have children, or whether she even should in the first place.
For the game to be worth playing, watching, and supporting, it must first be fair. It must, thus, prioritize equity.
Don’t get me wrong, while Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony was hard to watch, it was brave, and commendable. Kavanaugh’s testimony was hard to watch for a different reason.
The underrepresentation is partially because women were historically not a part of the adventurous, and often warlike, settings of the stories, but sexism and the oppression of women throughout history is also to blame.
Social environment is a key influence in chance of developing a mental illness.
With the mainstreaming of feminism, do women still face barriers when entering the labour market? And how has the labour market responded in turn?
Protests are an inherent part of social change and activism. Women’s right to vote, the civil rights movement, and many other important social movements throughout history could not have progressed and amassed the support necessary for things to change without the power of peaceful dissent.
Last month the chairperson of the CRC Program published an open letter on behalf of the program’s steering committee, which urged university presidents in the program to make a “concerted effort to address the under representation of the four designated groups (women, Aboriginal Peoples, persons with disabilities and visible minorities) in nominations for Canada Research Chair positions.”
Many professional athletes also feel that the femininity and therefore the validity of a woman is questioned the minute she enters sports. As former Olympic gold medallist in downhill skiing Kerrin Lee-Gartner identifies, the competitiveness needed to compete is celebrated among young boys, but frowned upon for young girls.
One of the voices that will be celebrated at the event is that of Amy Iliza, who made her spoken word debut back in Sept. 2015 at House of PainT’s OG 500 poetry slam competition, where she also met Fragiskatos. The two kept in touch after the competition, leading Fragiskatos to ask Iliza to perform at Fire and Ice when she was putting together the showcase.
Human Rights Watch is an NGO that conducts research and advocacy missions concerning human rights around the world. Muscati focuses on the impact of conflicts and human rights violations on civilians, specifically women and girls.
“This experience that the program offers is one of a kind,” said Lethania Martinez, one of the 11 mentors. “Being in the market and having access to these equipments and machinery, and amazing professors guiding you. That experience at the age that those students have is amazing.”
NDP to encourage calm discussion on citizenship dilemma iPolitics (CUP)—NDP Leader Tom Mulcair is urging tolerance and a calmer discussion about religious needs to wear face coverings when applying for Canadian citizenship. In a speech on Sept. 23, he said he backs a requirement that women show their faces at some point in the citizenship …
Recent rumours depicting Planned Parenthood as the big bad wolf has forced the Ottawa branch’s president, Lauren Dobson-Hughes, to make a plea to the public for support.
To the editors and writers at the Fulcrum, After attending the Capital Hoops games on Friday, Feb. 6, and reading some of the reviews and articles about them over the weekend, I must say that I am quite upset and disappointed with the level of attention and importance given to the women’s game in comparison to the men’s. When I …
Long time friends and coworkers share what it’s like being women in the Ottawa music scene.
In response to the growing use of casual sex terminology in sexuality studies, a recent study from the University of Ottawa looks to identify strict definitions for the terms that are loosely used when we talk about hooking up.
Ottawa police have enlisted the help of a University of Ottawa criminologist to conduct a study analyzing the interactions officers have had with women who report violent crimes.
Christian women come together to share faith, work for social change Photo courtesy of Matt Sangalli As I walked in to the Algonquin Commons Theatre, a number of young men greeted me enthusiastically, but I looked past and saw them: the women. Twice a year, MyChurch, a local Ottawa Christian church, hosts a We Are …
“Ideally, I’d have a PhD, I’d be a professor, my research would be fantastic, it wouldn’t suffer; but I’d also be able to have a family. I’d be married, I’d have children, and somehow my career wouldn’t have to take a hit because I took time off to have a kid—but my family also wouldn’t suffer after I go back to work after giving birth,” she said. “I wonder if it’s really possible to have all of those things.”
So I got thinking about other fabulous females in sports and came up with a few of my favourites—both real and fictional—who have said “Screw you, gender norms” and played with the boys. If you’ve been struggling to find some inspiration to get moving, check out the following chicks who kick ass at their sport.
DiMeglio is not the first female high schooler to play football in her state—records indicate 523 teenage female Floridians have donned football gear since 1973—but no other woman has ever held the prestigious position of decision-maker for her high school team.
FROM AN EARLY age, the importance of women being able to defend themselves against would-be attackers is stressed. With news coverage of violence against women, stranger danger talks with parents, and the self-defence courses offered in high schools, young girls are taught they need to know how to protect themselves. The U of O is …