
Woman on the Bus by Emily Janek, as seen in Currents. Photo: Courtesy of Ottawa Arts Review.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

A selection of poems from the campus-based small press’ latest anthology, Currents.



Eric Caouette

I’m sorry about the way I acted

During our last encounter

I just have no idea how to behave

Around ghosts.



Manahil Bandukwala

And would it have been worth it after all,
to hold the world between the pages
of this book, ink between my fingers and
the paper cuts. And would you have kissed me

goodnight if I had been born in another life, and
whose brown cheeks would feel your lips, whose
body would lie next to yours between coffee cups
and music notes. And would it have been worth it

after all, to hold the world between my fingertips,
between dried ink and paint chips.



Marc Janssen

Even without knowing the words
Her smoky saxophone voice
Conveys everything you can guess.

Elements of lonely heartbreak:
A man who cannot be trusted-
A cigarette and violence-
A spaceship escapes gravity.

End credits crawl across the screen.


  • Fall 2023: Sydney Grenier Spring 2022: Desiree Nikfardjam Fall 2021: Zofka Svec 2020-2021: Aisling Murphy 2019-2020: Ryan Pepper 2018-2019: Iain Sellers 2017-2018: Ryan Pepper