
Reading Time: 2 minutes


After an overnight charter bus to Toronto, an evening at Pearson Airport, and a long flight to Vancouver in a middle seat, I sort of hated everyone.

Abandoning the group for an hour, I hopped on the sky train and got off at the last stop, Waterfront Station. Filling myself with tacos and iced tea, I enjoyed the quiet of Taco Del Mar at 9 a.m. on a Thursday morning.

Regaining my excitement for our cross Canada trip, I rejoined the group for a pitcher of beer at the Templeton diner and we headed down to the waterfront in the rain.

The best part of living through an Ottawa winter is going somewhere warmer and having their version of January seem like summer in comparison. Walking through the rain was a bizarre pleasure before we headed back to the airport to catch our final flight to Edmonton.

AdamHeloiseVanWhile some of our group got stranded in Vancouver for most of the evening due to fog, most of us arrived at CUP NASH in time for dinner, the keynote, and extensive relief. With three pieces of cheesecake down and a bag of swag over my shoulder, I went to bed exhausted, but content to have finally arrived in Edmonton.


Photos by Sabrina Nemis

For more NASH 76 photos follow us on instagram @instafulcrum, @sabrinanemis, @spencerlynne