Barrucco’s installation makes us wonder about the future of social interaction.
Barrucco’s installation makes us wonder about the future of social interaction.
Some of the biggest artists in pop, R&B, and hip-hop have released highly anticipated tracks and albums in the past few weeks.
From the never-ending drama to the sweet moments, here’s a rundown on the four season three couples.
How to keep your choice of clothes up to date with the weather changes this season.
The platform the Fresh Meat festival provides to local artists will continue to play an integral role in empowering the Ottawa arts scene.
What if the artists we adore are, in fact, terrible people?
Directors in attendance (of which there were several) came to see a live audience react to their work. They were rewarded with positive reviews; audience members applauded, laughed, and gasped at various points in each film.
The Ottawa Canadian Film Festival is running Nov. 3–5 at the ByTowne Cinema at 325 Rideau St.
The perfect scary movie for people who hate horror.
This year, Diwali will last from Oct. 22–Oct.26, with the main day of celebration or Lakshmi Puja taking place on Oct. 24.
If you’re looking to play or learn some music, or tune up your skills, the uO Casual Band is a great place to jam.
Movie fans will agree the musical did the cult-classic teen movie justice. The musical was funny in all the same places and held on to the same themes.
When it comes to making things up for the big screen, how far is too far?
Midsommar reminds viewers that the grotesque doesn’t only lurk at night and horror film buffs will appreciate it for its distinctiveness.
Reading week is just around the corner. Here are a few diverting, effortless books you can finish in one sitting.
Having to balance homework, exams, assignments, work, a social life, and good mental health can be tricky. With all that on your plate, it’s rather easy to get burnt out.
Excuse me while I put some Y2K pop on repeat.
Horror movies — love them, hate them — they all have one common goal, to scare the person watching the movie.
The Department of Classics at the University of Ottawa harbours a special place for archaeological discovery on campus.
The Fulcrum spoke with Adante Carter (Aaron Samuels) ahead of the cast’s arrival in Ottawa.
In my mind, watching this movie is akin to lighting the Jack O’ Lantern: essential, uplifting, and timeless.
Don’t Worry Darling holds its own as an uneasy thriller that keeps the viewer guessing.
We must continue to shift our lens to include Indigenous perspectives when we discuss, curate, and philosophize about art.
Students and professors alike seem to be happy to be back in the classroom and excited to be creating art in a space dedicated to it.
Syncing matter is a unique glimpse into the separation and union between physical spaces and digital matter