Graduation marks the end of a chapter in a person’s life. With this chapter over, many graduates are eagerly anticipating the next one, because, unlike textbooks, we cannot flip through the pages of life to see how long the next one will be.
Graduation marks the end of a chapter in a person’s life. With this chapter over, many graduates are eagerly anticipating the next one, because, unlike textbooks, we cannot flip through the pages of life to see how long the next one will be.
Carrie Bourassa, a University of Saskatchewan and research director, made headlines in October for pretending to be Indigenous. Though she is not the first, it begs the question — why do white people pretend to be other races?
In an increasingly globalized world, translations are so common, many of us don’t consider the effort that goes into them. But what does it mean for things to get ‘lost in translation’?
Most assaults are perpetrated not by some lurking stranger, but by someone the victim already knows Content warning: sexual assault and rape Her name is Jacinta*. She is a first-year student, not so different from the ones you know: adjusting to her new major, working part-time, hanging out with friends on the weekends. Last month …
Two monuments — one on campus and one just outside — commemorate the contributions of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, a religious group instrumental in both the foundation of the U of O and of the residential school system.
Need to complete an HIV test but feel uncomfortable at the doctor? Can’t access a clinic? Patrick O’Byrne and the team behind GetaKit have you covered.
Here’s a look at the best poems the Fulcrum received for its fiction issue.
A century ago, Agnes MacPhail became the first female member of Parliament in Canada. Following this year’s election, only 30 per cent of elected MPs are women. It’s a step, but is it enough?
Following the two-year anniversary of Ottawa’s Light Rail Transit system, some recent issues with the system have the public — including students — concerned for the future.
After a student union transition and a virtual semester, how are student services building back up?
So, you want to be a professor? You find simple joy in studying your field of interest, whether it be literature, or engineering, or anthropology. Your grades are stellar. And so you think, why not get paid to study this for the rest of your life? Think again.
As students physically return to campus for the first time in two years, the shiny new RBC branch replacing the 24/7 study lounge can be seen as ‘blinding.’
In light of a recent string of cat deaths, the Ottawa Humane Society has called for a 24-hour ‘cat curfew’. Here’s a look at what this means and why it is an idea to be taken seriously given the impact domestic felines have on the urban ecosystem.
Demonstrators chanted, “No Pride in Genocide!”, “Shame on Canada!”, and “Bring them home!” as they marched on Parliament Hill.
Upon the unique challenges that this pandemic has brought onto the year, the students of the U of O have made up their mind on which professors deserved extra appreciation and recognition for their hard work in leading the healthiest virtual classes in the unhealthiest times.
Spring cleaning is back in season, but how can you incorporate it to better your mental health?
“It creates a safer place where someone who feels stressed or has life problems can escape and spend some time with his friends and forgets about the rest,” explained fourth-year student Andrew Boctor on the influence of video games.
“I would say that my experience has been anything but enjoyable,” first-year students take a look back after nearly completing their first semester of university online.
Ivan Cohen recalls his excitement once his internet was fully set up …
“on Sunday, I did a one-hour video conference, my wife and I, with our daughter. It’s the first chance we’ve been able to do this,” he said. “And no hesitation on the video, just stellar stellar stellar, it worked perfectly.”
Though there is a lot of pain associated with break-ups, sometimes getting dumped has its benefits.
Even during the pandemic, opioid-related deaths are still impacting Canadians and leave medical professionals worried for the future.
At the faculty of engineering, out of 132 professors there are only 31 women — a mere 23.5 per cent of the faculty’s professors. The Fulcrum reached out to all of them to speak about their experience in one of the most male-dominated fields at the University of Ottawa.
A recent study shows that most Canadians want hate speech removed and monitored on social media platforms.
Though COVID-19 has resulted in lost opportunities for many, several innovative U of O students have cultivated businesses for themselves while taking virtual courses.
Di Daniels is the longest standing Fulcrum employee — and it’s not even close. Some current Fulcrum employees were born after she was first hired.