We spoke with a U of O student who works at the Rideau McDonald’s to get an insider’s perspective on life inside what is perhaps the most infamous McDonald’s franchise in Canada.
We spoke with a U of O student who works at the Rideau McDonald’s to get an insider’s perspective on life inside what is perhaps the most infamous McDonald’s franchise in Canada.
Cooking in a residence room can mean so much more than a soggy toaster strudel, or a lukewarm bowl of ramen noodles.
The unofficial guide to the most peculiar but tastiest high snacks to cure even the strongest case of the munchies.
On Sept. 21 I spent a night on Rideau Street with the high aim of unpacking an important cultural phenomenon—the Rideau McDonald’s.
On Sept. 30, around 400 people from the Heron Gate community will be evicted from their homes as part of a plan to redevelop the neighbourhood. This time, they aren’t backing down.
Halfway into the month of September, the capital region has seen a massive spike in the number of black bear sightings. The Fulcrum looked into the causes behind the jump in these sightings and the broader factors bringing wild animals to the city.
The Catholic Church made headlines at the end of August when a Pennsylvania grand jury released a report stating that more than 1,000 children had been abused by hundreds of priests in the state over the past 70 years. The exact total is estimated to be thousands more.
Scandal and criticism are not new to the SFUO. For those of you who have just arrived at the U of O, let’s take a trip down memory lane.
Student renters especially vulnerable to being taken advantage of by landlords and vice-versa, experts say.
Your questions on mental health, answered.
With a combined experience of over 25 years spent traversing through the post-secondary world, these are our essential tips, tricks, life hacks, and pieces of advice for not only surviving your university years, but thriving in them as well.
Our generation has spearheaded a massive period of retromania: vinyl, Polaroid cameras, vintage filters, and retro fashion are the centrepieces of our aesthetic sensibility. Why this hiding from the present? Why this nostalgia for a past we ourselves never experienced?
Looking for things to do in Ottawa this summer? We have you covered.
Paris is still a breaktaking, richly historical destination, and you should still go. But when you’re in the Louvre, don’t just look at the Mona Lisa.
An island that more closely resembles the peak of a mountain than the standard Caribbean island, it is 13 square kilometers of the most difficult terrain ever settled in the world.
It was the stagnancy, the lack of urgent work to do in addition to the lack of people around me to distract me from the lack of work to do. I was like an ant plucked from its well-oiled colony, placed in a virtually utopian habitat. And it completely and utterly stressed me out.
The narcissistic paranoia of being antagonized by a radical faction quickly melts away when you realize your value as a hostage is roughly the price of two kebabs and a box of cigarettes.
If it’s that easy to keep your job as a bar manager, and have a “sold out” club, even when guests are aware that you’re a convicted sexual predator, one has to wonder if #MeToo has gone too far, or if it hasn’t gone far enough.
Former members of Greek life organizations have boldly brought forward their stories about the toxic environment within the community, that leads to cases of alleged sexual assault going unnoticed and unaddressed.
From my personal experience as a Chinese-Canadian, I find that mental illness and mental health are issues rarely (if ever) discussed in Chinese and East Asian households. It continues to be considered a non-serious issue and taboo subject, resulting in its highly stigmatized state.
The homogeneous representation of EDs in pop culture might seem benign to the onlooker. But in reality, lack of accurate representation translates to a lack of support, in both family relationships and the medical environment, for those who are suffering under the radar.
“We need to talk about the other end of the spectrum—the people who throw themselves into school or work or sports as a way of coping with their anxiety or depression or to fend off panic attacks or flashbacks.”
When you consider the far-reaching impacts of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), there’s good reason to put the PMS jokes and the period stigma aside, and get serious about understanding mental health in relation to menstruation.
Having OCD can have serious impacts on your own life and those around you, and downplaying it can make those who have experienced it—either themselves or through others—feel misunderstood and like they are not being taken seriously.
When mental illness is turned into a challenge to be overcome rather than a diagnosable and treatable issue, it turns asking for help into a shameful surrender.