
Campus unions at the University of Ottawa are calling on the administration to waive tuition fees for the upcoming spring and summer semesters after the global COVID-19 pandemic closed many of the school’s services indefinitely and shifted both semesters online, while also posing major financial challenges for students.

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Babacar Faye will be the University of Ottawa Students’ Union’s first president, according to the results of the union’s general elections released on Friday night. Eight students were also elected to the union’s Board of Directors, and the referendum to increase funding for the Office of the Ombudsperson failed to pass.

After the faculties of social sciences and engineering at the University of Ottawa both implemented similar measures, the faculty of arts will give undergraduate students the choice, after receiving their final course mark, of having ‘satisfactory’ or ‘not satisfactory’ appear on their transcript rather than an alphanumeric grade.

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