The sexually violent conversation about the University of Ottawa’s student federation president that took place between five men, including four elected student representatives, has been published online.
The sexually violent conversation about the University of Ottawa’s student federation president that took place between five men, including four elected student representatives, has been published online.
Students at the University of Ottawa have taken to social media in numbers to decry a student federation event for its racial segregation of students.
Hospital performed record-breaking 36 heart transplants last year Photo by Adam Feibel The University of Ottawa Heart Institute conducted 36 successful heart transplants last year, earning the top spot for most heart surgeries performed in Canada in 2013. “I’m very proud of what’s been accomplished by my colleagues in the last year,” Dr. Thierry Mesana, …
Two student federation board members were accused of participating in a conversation that included comments about the sexual assault of their president in a motion presented at the end of reading week.
Things aren’t looking much better for the University of Ottawa’s journalism program.
Another sinkhole has made an appearance in Ottawa, this time right by the University of Ottawa.
The first General Assembly referendum was a bit of a dud. But this time around, student voters at the University of Ottawa have ushered in the GA as the highest decision-making body of the student federation.
The SFUO executive will remain almost unchanged from this year to next as the Student Action slate has swept the general election once again.
The University of Ottawa Liberty Society erected a wall of free speech Feb. 5–6 in response to the U of O’s failing grade on a free expression index released in October. The wall was intended to be an exercise in free speech for all students, but was covered with remarks from the Revolutionary Student Movement (RSM), formerly called the Marxist Students’ Association.
The University of Ottawa Graduate Students’ Association (GSAÉD) and the Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) have joined together to lobby City Hall to bring a safe injection site to Ottawa.
Local organization Jer’s Vision hosted a panel discussion Feb. 7 at the Arts Court Theatre with the intent of opening up a dialogue about Russia’s gay propaganda laws with members of the local LGBTQ+ community. The event, titled “Speaking out on Sochi,” featured speakers to discuss the new anti-LGBTQ+ law within the context of the ongoing Winter Olympics.
The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) elections raised a number of talking points among candidates as one slate was penalized, another raised some concern about vacation use, and the General Assembly (GA) referendum took on more forceful opposition.
Students from across the city gathered in Tabaret Hall to take part in the University of Ottawa Public Relations Association’s first-ever Let’s Grow Together conference.
The University of Ottawa’s student federation may have voted against it, but the Sochi 2014 Olympics are streaming on campus regardless.
Info on the candidates running in the 2014 SFUO election.
An arbitrator has ruled against former professor Denis Rancourt’s bid to reclaim his job at the University of Ottawa.
The University of Ottawa will offer a master’s in bilingualism studies program beginning in September 2014, in an effort to promote the bilingual and Francophone presence on campus.
Tabaret Hall’s construction was completed to reveal a new student lounge on Jan 20. Separated into three rooms on the first floor, the space seats close to 150 students and comes equipped with fireplaces, microwaves, sofas, chairs, and counters with plugs for laptops.
The University of Ottawa Health Services has cut its two on-staff psychologists in what it has called a “reorganization” of mental health services offered by the university.
The University of Ottawa Public Relations Association (UOPRA) will host the Let’s Grow Together conference on Feb. 4.
One university strike in New Brunswick may be ending, but another is just beginning.
The two University of Ottawa professors who conducted a research study that included an interview with accused killer Luka Magnotta have won their legal bid to quash a Montreal police warrant for the video.
The University of Ottawa Student Emergency Response Team (UOSERT) gathered for its first meeting on Jan. 22 with the hopes of establishing a campus-wide first response unit.
The company behind the Bixi bike share system, which has two stations on campus, has filed for bankruptcy.
A campaign by the Graduate Students’ Association (GSAÉD) aiming to create nursing and breastfeeding spaces at the University of Ottawa was launched with a panel discussion Jan. 22.