
Students from Dalhousie, King’s, Nova Scotia College of Arts and Design (NSCAD), Mount Saint Vincent and Saint Mary’s were draped in ripped clothing, smeared with fake blood, and carrying protest signs for the zombie-themed rally entitled “Night of the Living Debt.”

“I think that the best quality of our system is the impartiality of the judiciary. That’s the main reason we have such a [strong] democracy, and that’s why it is so important that we fight for the independence of the judiciary.” —Justice Richard Wagner

The New Democratic Party (NDP) met in Montreal on Saturday, Nov. 3 to discuss the possibility of setting up a provincial wing of their party in Quebec.

“I think that if China continues to rise over the next thirty years the way it has over the past thirty years, the central question of international politics for every person on the planet will be whether or not that rise can be peaceful,” John Mearsheimer said

“We are looking at the possibility of opening up a satellite campus somewhere … which would enable us to provide French-language instruction to that growing population [of francophones in the region],” said Allan Rock.

The bouncer appeared to deny entry to a group of black people, allegedly saying he had an order to refuse any black people who were not regulars at the bar, as can be seen on a cellphone video of the altercation posted on Facebook.

The march—dubbed the Toxic Trick or Treat—was organized by the PowerShift conference that was held from Oct. 26—29 at the University of Ottawa and brought together over 1,000 students from across the country.

As of Oct. 22, University of Ottawa students and faculty have a brand new place to get a good cup of coffee. The Première Moisson bakery was officially inaugurated on Monday at its location inside the new Faculty of Social Sciences Building.

I wanted to know why our prime minister was so intent on destroying a list of the names of people in this country who are in possession of a firearm. It’s not unreasonable to want to know who owns a gun.

The positions up for grabs were first year representative, vp public administration, and vp social (francophone), with Patrick Morris, Erik Koskela, and Caroline Brouilette, winning the spots, respectively.

To resign or not to resign, that is the question. For the Conservatives, the answer is no resignations from the cabinet, and since Harper was elected in 2006, he has kept resignations to a minimum.

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