The long-held theory that the quality and quantity of sperm produced by the average male is decreasing may not be as accurate as once thought.
The long-held theory that the quality and quantity of sperm produced by the average male is decreasing may not be as accurate as once thought.
Liberal leadership hopefuls face stricter budget; Companies struggle to deal with beer shortage before Oktoberfest; Ontario Liberals fall one seat shy of majority after byelections; Quebec election night gunman formally charged
Before I start this week’s column, I would be remiss to not say to the families of the Montreal election night shooting victims, our hearts go out to you
Dozens of animal rights advocates rallied outside the North Vancouver Provincial Court on Thursday, Aug. 30 as Robert Fawcett pled guilty to a single count of causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.
This may seem a bit odd, but I was deeply saddened over the long weekend to hear of the death of former Cardinal and Archbishop of Milan, Carlo Maria Martini.
The microscopic world of E. coli and other bacteria is a mixed-up place.
Morisset library began renting iPads to students, staff, and faculty members on Aug. 8,
The Fulcrum has decided to save you some work and give you a few key numbers we think you should know.
The Board of Administration (BOA) held its second meeting of the 2012–13 school year, during which the budget for the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) was revealed and subsequently passed.
A new school year means new executive members of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) and the Graduate Students’ Association (GSAÉD). The Fulcrum sat down with the new executives to give you a look at who will be in charge at the SFUO and GSAÉD this year. Andrew Ikeman and Ali Schwabe …
How did your liver cells know to specialize into a liver or your brain cells to become neurons?
Carolyn Greve begins term Jane Lytvynenko | Fulcrum Contributor illustration by Devin Beauregard As of July, the Graduate Students’ Association of the University of Ottawa (GSAÉD) has elected a new finance commissioner, Carolyn Greve, following the resignation of Douglas Webb in June 2012. “It’s quite common to have an executive leave throughout their term,” said Taiva Tegler, GSAÉD external commissioner. “Our previous …
#Twitter & Elections Andrew Ikeman | News Editor THIS NOVEMBER, THE citizens of the United States of America will flock to the polling stations to either re-elect their current president or elect a new one. Many people base their vote on how the candidate is portrayed by the media. Since the 2008 U.S. election, one specific social media platform …
New committee hopes to improve student-community relationship Keeton Wilcock | Fulcrum Contributor WHILE THE PHRASE “town and gown” may be a familiar one to university students around the world, for most people at the University of Ottawa the connotation is foreign. No longer. Come September, U of O students will for the first time be represented by a major neighbourhood-to-student organization—the Sandy Hill Town and …
U-Pass lines shrink OTTAWA—STUDENTS ANTICIPATING LONG lines at the U-Pass distribution centre will be pleasantly surprised this year. According to an article that appeared in the Fulcrum September 2011, last year’s distribution was hampered by technical difficulties, which resulted in long lineups. The delays eventually forced OC Transpo to step in to assist the Student …
Ottawa best place to live in Canada OTTAWA—MONEYSENSE MAGAZINE HAS named Ottawa the best place to live in Canada for the third consecutive year. The magazine used hard, measurable data, such as economic statistics, climate, and crime rates, to rank cities. In addition to cultural offerings and family-friendly lifestyle, Canada’s capital boasts high income levels, …
The problem THE GREENLAND AND Antarctic ice sheets are melting at an accelerating rate, and we’re not sure how that melting is going to change in the future. Ice sheets are a metre stick for climate change, but measurements of the Greenland ice sheets’ past changes are in disagreement with physical models. In fact, models …
Top five hottest political leaders 1. Ethan Plato Our fearless president-elect is clearly more than just a pretty face, but it’s great to know a looker will be representing us for a year. 2. Amalia Savva She has the most charming smile we’ve ever seen. 3. Barack Obama Have you seen that man with his …
THE BOARD OF Administration (BOA) met March 18 at Roger Guindon Hall with a long list of constitutional amendments to address changes to the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) executive starting in the 2013–14 term. The board received reports from the executive updating the situation for each position and confirmed the election …
HOMELESSNESS IS A very real problem in Canada’s capital. According to the Alliance to End Homelessness, the city’s homeless shelters took in over 7,100 individuals for more than 440,000 overnight stays in 2010, and that excludes those who slept on the streets. Camping for the homeless March 12–16, five Telfer School of Management students hoped …
Study confirms cougars have returned to Eastern Ontario PETERBOROUGH, Ont.—A FOUR-YEAR STUDY by the Ministry of Natural Resources confirms what many rural residents were already sure of: Wild cougars have returned to Ontario. Although considered extinct, the major research effort documented tracks, fur, photos, DNA, droppings, and sightings of the animals. The evidence, however, does …
THE STUDENT FEDERATION of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) is bringing back student-run tax clinics March 20–22. The clinic is run by student volunteers under the direction of Sarah Jayne King, SFUO vp finance, and is entering its second year of operation. “There are quite a few student unions across Canada who hold tax clinics, …
FOUR MEN IN Melbourne, Australia wanted to avoid paying for drinks so badly they jumped off the 55th floor of a building. The men were wearing business suits and had business suitcases with them while ordering expensive cocktails at Vue de monde, a prestigious restaurant. “Basically, four guys came upstairs with parachutes hidden underneath their …
GARY GOODYEAR, MINISTER of state for science and technology, visited the University of Ottawa on March 13 to announce $124.5 million being invested in bringing leading researchers to Canada and building infrastructure for research to foster. This investment funds 136 Canada research chairs across the nation, including a renewal of five chairs at the U …
LAST SUNDAY, THE Board of Administration (BOA) passed a motion changing the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) executive for 2013–14. Many significant constitutional changes were made—including to the executive positions—without any consultation of the new executive or students. Because students elect faculty representatives to the BOA, they don’t get much individual say …