
Letter to the Editor

I no longer live in a world of dramatic assertions and grand desperation. Now everything, everyone, and every part of me is quietly resigned.

Media is an indispensable part of society—but it can only be effective when it has the best interests of their nation in mind. Unfortunately, the news media indulged a little too much in the revenue boost that Donald Trump brought them.

Letter to the Editor

It is often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. That is unfortunately where we lie now, stuck in the stagnation of our status quo.

With the current world being in such a state of economic instability, where every change seems significant compared to the relatively stagnant past 15 years, maybe it’s a time for a new era of trade agreements.

Letter to the Editor

Instead of complaining about students and evading responsibility, perhaps they should focus that energy on actually doing a better job of promoting the SFUO and its democratic structures.

Letter to the Editor

Unlike some recent scandals and controversies for which voters and “tax payers” have no chance of opting-out (including a weapon’s trade with Saudi Arabia, one that even the new government cannot opt out of), OPIRG has a levy policy that allows every individual student to ask for their levy back.

Scandinavian countries have been experimenting with this concept for a few years. A recent study of Swedish firms found that when workdays were only six hours long, productivity and worker satisfaction improved, while turnover dropped.

Letter to the Editor

I got naked. I formed a pyramid. I kissed and touched a whole lot of people. I drank some God-awful shots. But I didn’t have sex with anyone, and I didn’t get a piercing because that was beyond my personal limit. I did things “for the points” but they were all things that I already wanted to do.

Letter to the Editor

Some consensual fun I had with friends is being compared to the sexual violence committed by Donald Trump, all because La Rotonde believes it has a right to report on the sexual activities of its students, and not real issues that they face.

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