I no longer live in a world of dramatic assertions and grand desperation. Now everything, everyone, and every part of me is quietly resigned.
I no longer live in a world of dramatic assertions and grand desperation. Now everything, everyone, and every part of me is quietly resigned.
Media is an indispensable part of society—but it can only be effective when it has the best interests of their nation in mind. Unfortunately, the news media indulged a little too much in the revenue boost that Donald Trump brought them.
It is often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. That is unfortunately where we lie now, stuck in the stagnation of our status quo.
Most students don’t understand what’s going on, so by organizing such an official sit-down session on campus they could answer important questions like: why is free tuition important?
With the current world being in such a state of economic instability, where every change seems significant compared to the relatively stagnant past 15 years, maybe it’s a time for a new era of trade agreements.
People in power must be aware and responsible for the influence and impact their rhetoric has, especially in tense times.
Having the SFUO rely on committees staffed only by BOA members is a bad idea, since they work so closely with each other and can face internal pressures that can influence their decisions.
Recently, the Ontario government floated the idea of scrapping the mandatory half-credit that is grade 10 civics class, where high school students are supposed to learn what it means to be a Canadian citizen. Is this a good idea?
By failing to provide that hammer, the government continues to enable the violent conduct of Canadian mining companies in Latin America.
At Sunday’s vote, there were a lot of BOA members who approached me and said that they felt like a gun was put to their heads. This is unacceptable.
Directors are charged with a duty to make reasoned decisions, not blindly follow their ideological viewpoints.
Free tuition would strengthen the abilities of our youth and ensure equal opportunity for people of all backgrounds, creating a better Canada for generations to come. So, what is Canada waiting for?
Instead of complaining about students and evading responsibility, perhaps they should focus that energy on actually doing a better job of promoting the SFUO and its democratic structures.
Unlike some recent scandals and controversies for which voters and “tax payers” have no chance of opting-out (including a weapon’s trade with Saudi Arabia, one that even the new government cannot opt out of), OPIRG has a levy policy that allows every individual student to ask for their levy back.
This is a bilingual university, and as such any effort to promote its bilingualism should be encouraged, not rejected.
Canadian democracy isn’t broken—but it’s far from perfect, and it could definitely use some major reform and modernization.
Fiduciary duty must be synonymous with the needs of students, and if there is ever a conflict between the two, the students should prevail.
Scandinavian countries have been experimenting with this concept for a few years. A recent study of Swedish firms found that when workdays were only six hours long, productivity and worker satisfaction improved, while turnover dropped.
The construction, however inconvenient, is necessary, and the university should be applauded for trying to improve our campus’ infrastructure.
The Fulcrum staff share their best food related memories.
A collection of responses to the Fulcrum’s and La Rotonde’s coverage of the Vet’s Tour story.
Debating whether or not the U of O’s decision to cancel these subscriptions is a good or bad idea is really beside the point. The main issue here is the process by which the decision is made in the first place.
I got naked. I formed a pyramid. I kissed and touched a whole lot of people. I drank some God-awful shots. But I didn’t have sex with anyone, and I didn’t get a piercing because that was beyond my personal limit. I did things “for the points” but they were all things that I already wanted to do.
Some consensual fun I had with friends is being compared to the sexual violence committed by Donald Trump, all because La Rotonde believes it has a right to report on the sexual activities of its students, and not real issues that they face.