It looks like the great political divide of our age is not left vs. right, or capitalism vs. communism. Instead, it’s all about pro-globalisation vs. anti-globalisation
It looks like the great political divide of our age is not left vs. right, or capitalism vs. communism. Instead, it’s all about pro-globalisation vs. anti-globalisation
Although it’s easy to criticize the U.S. while Kaepernick’s story dominates headlines, the problem isn’t contained to south of the border.
After all, there are other drugs in Canada that can cause long-term harm, yet remain largely ingrained in our culture—perhaps the best example is alcohol.
It’s important to make sure that all communities across the country are well informed on the issues at hand—this means bringing proper discussion beyond big urban centres.
We need to demand that Capital Pride acts as a platform to lift injustice from the shadows, educate the public, and put civil rights back to the forefront of political discourse.
If change is to take place on campus, the SFUO cannot do it alone—it has to be in collaboration between federated bodies, clubs, and all facets of our campus, including students at large.
As technology advances and the world becomes more integrated, companies and organizations will become less insular, and will require a greater diversity of creative talent.
If nothing else, reading the budget will give you a sense of the scope of the SFUO finances. They may be a student federation, but they are dealing with very significant sums of money.
What is needed is a widespread review and overhaul of the drug approval process. There are currently too many barriers to developing a new drug and being able to sell it.
With the overwhelming evidence in favour of vaccination, refusal to vaccinate does constitute neglect, on the same spectrum as trying to treat meningitis with garlic.
Not your typical dating website, Canadian Inmates Connect provides the golden opportunity for prisoners to find that special someone—or even just a pen pal.
If a judge allows police to search the phone of someone indirectly involved in a crime they may end up finding evidence of a completely different offence, even if that person was never arrested or even a suspect in that first crime.
Today, and for the first time ever, I truly felt that the SFUO Does Not Represent Me.
The BOA has the right to create ad hoc or standing committees, and they should use this authority to create a committee to present a report to the public on the BOA’s in-camera sessions.
Maintaining your perfect summer bod can be a daunting task, but the Tomato is here to help. Working out can be fun if you do it right, and with this list we guarantee that by the end of the summer you’ll be ready for your next Friends marathon.
A safe, introductory health-care service, where users have the freedom to explore their options without fear of being charged, is desperately needed in Ottawa. By allowing addicts to use drugs in a space where they are surrounded by health-care professionals and treatment pamphlets, seeking addiction treatment becomes a step that’s much less dramatic and scary.
The term culture is in no way controversial; it is just a word that denotes customs, traditions, and beliefs held by a sub-population. However, when someone specifies “rape culture,” many become defensive or simply incredulous, even to the point of denying its existence.
The 2015-16 year has been tough for the Student Federation University of Ottawa (SFUO) which ended the year heavily reducing summer staff to avoid bankruptcy. Here’s the SFUO’s report card for the last year in four important areas: event promotion, communication, staffing and student engagement.
Anti-poverty group is right to push for cheap, basic plans We live in a digital world. For most people the Internet, whether for recreation or for work, is an essential part of life. Anti-poverty group ACORN and advocacy group Open Media, among others, are currently lobbying the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission to force Internet …
Hair might be meaningless to some, but it’s important to acknowledge the significance it can bear to the one it belongs to. For people of African descent, afro-textured hair is intrinsically linked to our identity and continued effort to accept ourselves as we are. That is why efforts like #SupportThePuff are more than just hoopla over hair.
Many professional athletes also feel that the femininity and therefore the validity of a woman is questioned the minute she enters sports. As former Olympic gold medallist in downhill skiing Kerrin Lee-Gartner identifies, the competitiveness needed to compete is celebrated among young boys, but frowned upon for young girls.
As any student knows, the last thing we need is to lose money. I’m not talking about tuition, student loans, fees, the cost of books, and everything else; but keep that in mind when you find out that some students will lose $3,000 on top of all this.
Academics, professionals and even Health Canada have found no evidence that compensating blood donors produces negative effects. With so much at stake, perhaps it is time to revisit this debate to create a long-term sustainable blood supply for Canadians from Canadians.
Regardless of how you feel about Rob Ford, it can’t be denied that these one-dimensional views spread across news outlets are dehumanizing, as they fail to recognize anything valuable Ford has done professionally or personally. Would that really increase their readership, in comparison to repeatedly alleging the mayor is incompetent?
In neither Canada nor the United States do reporters have any absolute right to keep their sources or source material confidential. This does not fall under the constitutional right of free expression or free press.