
Some restrictions for public use needed, but have to be specific Last week the government of Ontario announced, and then reversed, its policy on where medical marijuana users could use their medicine. The one-day policy moved to exempt users from the laws regarding public smoking, which meant that medical marijuana users could light up pretty …

Imagine you’re producing a play detailing the life of Martin Luther King Jr. Who would you want to play the influential civil rights leader, Denzel Washington, Will Smith or David Oyelowo? When it came to a similar production held at Kent State University, they opted instead for a white actor to portray the famed pastor. …

Only international courts should be able to try politicians for war crimes Earlier this month, a Spanish judge issued an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and seven other current and former government officials involved in an Israeli Defence Forces raid in 2010 that left nine dead. The investigation was brought forward by …

Canada’s past can show us how not to handle crises that happen today If all goes according to the Liberal government’s plan, 10,000 Syrian refugees will be admitted into our country before the year is out.  Unfortunately, many people are adamantly against the idea of letting refugees into the country, citing security concerns. A quick …

Ignorance towards a natural human condition needs to go Thinx, a New York City-based company, recently faced controversy and backlash for ads that they applied to have posted in New York City metro stations. The reason? These ads depict women modelling Thinx’s newest product—a line of period underwear. These innovative undies, which promise to provide …

Recently Starbucks has faced criticism for dropping designs from their annual Christmas cups and opting instead for a plain red and green cup. One of the most vocal critics of the new design was Donald Trump, who suggested that a boycott of Starbucks might be in order. What everyone seems to be forgetting, Trump included, …

Earlier this year, Joe’s Crab Shack, a large restaurant chain in the U.S. eliminated the practice of tipping and increased the pay of its workers. As several other American restaurants have moved towards ending tipping, the future of this long held practice is being called into question. The idea of abolishing tipping shouldn’t be completely …

Canadian monarchy question would cause constitutional chaos Thirty-eight years after Pierre Trudeau’s infamous pirouette behind the Queen, Justin Trudeau’s government has sparked another monarchy-related controversy. Less than a week after being sworn in, newly appointed Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane Dion removed the Queen’s portrait from the foyer of the Foreign Affairs building, to be replaced …

Use the latest GA as a chance to strike down apathy on campus Another semester, another failed General Assembly (GA). For those who missed the memo, there was a GA held on campus last Saturday, Nov. 14.  From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students were given time to question their student government, and debate motions …

Work is work, and it deserves compensation Imagine graduating from your undergraduate degree, after four years of constant financial and academic stress. What are your next steps? With no relevant work experience or professional references, your future might not be as bright as you had imagined. Could an unpaid internship be your way to a …

Christmas. The holiday that gives the retailers wet dreams, and makes everyone else afraid to look at their bank accounts.  This holiday madness seems to have taken an unfortunate turn the last few years—a holiday season that used to encompass a few weeks, or a month at most, has recently been thrown into the spotlight …

Musicians have to balance their sound, industry heads and customers Musical artist Kid Cudi took to Twitter in early October to dissuade some of his fans from purchasing his upcoming release, Speeding Bullet to Heaven. “(I)f you dont like what Im doin now, please abort the train. Do not buy my music from here on …

No: a day off isn’t the same as real action There’s been a lot of talk around the upcoming 150th anniversary of Confederation in two years. However, this year marks several dates of global significances—the 100th anniversary of numerous First World War battles, such as the battle of Ypres. Each Nov. 11, we remember these …

Removing cars and increasing other options can only improve downtown Many major cities struggle to find a balance between moving both cars and pedestrians around, including in Ottawa where it has been long debated whether it would be best for Sparks Street to reintroduce access for vehicles. However, not only should Sparks Street stay car …

Subscription-style web streaming is step in  wrong direction YouTube and Google released YouTube Red on Oct. 28, a subscription-based video site with extra features for those willing to pay.  While YouTube is well within its rights to expand its revenue streams, if YouTube Red impacts normal YouTube then it compromises the basic service YouTube has …

Earlier release of documents makes government more transparent Although they are no longer in power, Canadians aren’t able to read about past governments’ cabinet meetings for 30 years, because that’s the deadline for declassification of cabinet documents before the information is publicly disclosed. With the election of a new government committed to transparency, now is the …

It’s about confidence in government, not seats Photo: CC, Mohammed Jangda, Johnathan Allard Coalition governments are a positive part of the Canadian political landscape. For most of the 2015 Canadian Election, it seemed the 42nd Parliament would have three parties virtually tied in number of seats—resembling many European countries, who have to go through a …

The most coveted spot in class isn’t a seat next to that cutie you’re trying to get a number from, but the seat by the outlets. Trust me, all available plugs usually get taken before the prof has a chance to walk into the lecture hall.

Recent attacks on citizenship threatens to divide Canadians Photo: CC, Jeff Nelson As the Canadian election drags on, citizenship has suddenly become a point of focus. This is in part due to the controversy over wearing niqabs at citizenship ceremonies, as well as  the government’s move to strip convicted terrorists of their citizenship, and their …

Photo: CC, Green Party of Canada The Green Party has included in their platform a proposal to create a Guaranteed Livable Income for Canadians that would be paid out to all. Some call this the next best step in social welfare policies, others don’t support it. Point: A minimum income will benefit all According the …

Photo: Kim Wiens Imagine you suddenly receive a text message from an unknown number—it claims your ex created a profile for you on an app called Peeple, and the message encourages you to go check out what they have to say about you. You follow through and find you only have 48 hours to sort …

Branching out to different language programs Photo: Courtesy of Netflix We are in the golden age of television with channels like HBO, Showcase, AMC, and Netflix vying for the top awards year after year. Netflix has found yet another successful formula in Narcos. The captivating drama focuses on drug lord Pablo Escobar, and the war …

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