
I was rather disappointed with the Fulcrum’s recent sex supplement, which was published as part of the issue released prior to reading week. Before continuing, I should note that I don’t begrudge the Fulcrum for its interest in writing about sex. Sexuality is an important subject, and the sex supplement was likely of interest to …

When the guidelines for eligibility aren’t clear, when students have to argue with SFUO employees at the ballot box just to get their vote to count, how can we blame student apathy for low voter turnout?

Yet for some ridiculous sense of entitlement, some students still suggest that servers should put up with all of that for less than the standard minimum wage, or that not being at 100 per cent levels of friendliness at all points of your shift is deserving of no tip.

Millennials have seen the consequences when peacekeepers do nothing, as in Rwanda. We have seen the breakdown of states along religious and ethnic lines, as in the former Yugoslavia. Perhaps the so-called war on terror has made some of us cynical or hesitant to involve ourselves in trouble and turmoil that seems far removed. But I also see a spirit of optimism and responsibility among millennials that might enable us to take up the challenge for peace that the government has largely avoided.

I still don’t know if I will be able to disassociate Allen’s personal life from his movies. With these accusations against him, I don’t know, if one day I have children of my own, whether I would be comfortable showing them his films. But I’ve learned that sometimes the first step to finding morality comes from challenging my own bias and assumptions, something I think everyone needs to do before watching another Woody Allen film.

Of course, because bitcoin is so young, it is still stabilizing, so using it at stores and restaurants that accept it can be risky. There are always risks of extreme fluctuation, system collapses, and hackers. However, this in no way detracts from its validity as a currency. Every single currency in the world faces different risks (inflation, runaway speculation, imbalanced trade, etc.)

There must be something that makes Canada worth being proud of though. Perhaps our health care? But in fact, most other democratic countries have similar or better levels of national health care. Despite our constant bragging, we’re thirtieth in the world for health care. Twenty-ninth is Morocco.

That is the purpose of debate: to provoke thought and to promote understanding. Suppressing debates for fear of alienating voters might be politically strategic, but it might also leave a millennial wondering how valuable federal politics are in creating social policies. If the federal government can’t speak to the issues that concern millennials, we may see the continuation of a trend toward community-based actions and grassroots initiatives.

The message? Unless you’re a professional with a large fan base that can increase viewership of the games, your accomplishments somehow mean less. Although I doubt any of us truly think this way, it’s sadly the underlying message when all the attention is given to the pros.

Nation’s liberal and democratic values should be defended  Photo courtesy of Stephen Harper (CC) Canada’s dedication to Israel has come under criticism recently, but I believe we are in the right on this issue. Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East, and Canada should continue to defend its right to exist. Stephen Harper …

Rules and regulations about how meat is served in Canada is done by the government, which hires highly educated scientists to inspect food and make sure it won’t cause bodily harm. Let us trust the scientists employed and regulated by the government to tell us what beef we should eat, rather than one of the companies trying to sell their product.

In an interview with the Globe and Mail, Qu Tanzhou, director of the Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration, said Arctic resources should “be allocated according to the needs of the world, not only owned by certain countries” and that “we cannot simply say that this is yours and this is mine.”

Wait—can’t we? Isn’t the “this is yours and this is mine” mentality crucial to international cooperation and peace? A refusal to see that is dangerous and could send us down a dangerous path where sovereignty means very little.

Concerns of millennials aren’t reflected in political ideologies We’ve heard it before.  The millennial generation is apathetic and occasionally pathetic.  We’re narcissistic and entitled.  We can’t get good jobs, we’re living with our parents, and thanks to high housing prices and the rising cost of education, we’re delaying entry into adulthood.  We’re politically disconnected, disenchanted, …

The logic behind the test is extremely short-sighted, since it is primarily concerned with gauging the quantity of female representation in a film, while offering absolutely no judgment whatsoever on the quality of this representation.

Even more troubling than these cases are the many one-bedroom apartments and completely vacant houses that are female preferred. There is no reasonable explanation for this other than sexism.

The following is the game’s description: “This unfortunate girl has so much extra weight that no diet can help her. In our clinic she can go through a surgery called liposuction that will make her slim and beautiful. We’ll need to make small cuts on problem areas and suck out the extra fat. Will you operate her, doctor?”

Are you kidding me?

Are plastic bags that big of an environmental issue? Photo courtesy of Tina Wallace Point: We should focus on more important issues Jasmine van Schouwen | Fulcrum Staff Companies who claim they are curbing pollution by reducing plastic bag production are misleading and short-sighted. Plastic bags are a problem, there’s no doubt about that. According …

These lists can be funny and interesting, but they need to be kept in perspective. They shouldn’t take the place of more important and current news stories on the home pages of websites and news organizations. They are a sideshow, and it’s the responsibility of both the media and ourselves to keep them in their proper place.

Fictional advice for getting your mind back at school Despite all of my efforts, the calendar turned to January and I grudgingly came back for yet another semester of school. Kraft Dinner, freezing cold walks to class, and silent floors of the library have replaced memories of expensive dinners, warm fires, and Christmas music. If …

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