Researcher Sebastian Echeverri describes their courtship as a musical show which includes both a song and dance that are coordinated together. Like any good show, they build tension throughout and leave the best performance for last.
Researcher Sebastian Echeverri describes their courtship as a musical show which includes both a song and dance that are coordinated together. Like any good show, they build tension throughout and leave the best performance for last.
Rove beetles happen to be the largest group of animals that exist however, they remain as one the most understudied.
This finding disrupts any preconceived notions that Pleistocene wolves were located at bottom of the carnivore levels.
“These species have inherent value on their own, what is the right of us to wipe out a species from the face of the planet? You know, call me a softy. But I don’t think we do have that right to extinguish a species just because someone will make a buck from it,” said conservation biologist Cory Toth.
At its core, TSOS is a student-led podcast which has covered topics about life in space, student experiences in the space industry, and interviews from industry experts. It’s components include individuals involved in research, editors, marketing and of course its hosts
“You have to invest in yourself and your dreams. I bet on myself and turned down a good job and decided to do my PhD in a field I was studying. We have to make those kinds of decisions, my advice is to go for it. If you have a dream you have to put your heart into it,” said Farah Alibay, a current NASA engineer
“There’s already so much research on bees and butterflies, which is a good thing but I think it’s also a good thing to study under underrepresented groups,” said U of O PhD candidate Catherine Sirois-Delisle.
Retrogressive thaw slumps (RTS) occurring in the arctic are largely at the mercy of changing summer climates
“Being in Sandy Hill comes with the university, but it also comes with the local residents as well,” said Collective Growers co-founder, Karen Nguyen.
“If people want to be happy, they’ll need to have good relationships in the real world as well,” said U of O professor Wonsook Lee
U of O professor Andra Smith has published a study looking into the impacts of early oral contraceptive use on brain development, structure, and function in users
This week Pamenter interviewed with the Fulcrum to explain the mechanism that describes how mole rats decrease their body temperature in hypoxia
In Canada there are 16 owl species out of 200 worldwide, some key characteristics are their large heads, round eyes fixed at the front, acute hearing ability, and specialized feathers.
Mallon discusses what to expect at a dig, dino myths and why dinos were so big Jordan Mallon is a research scientist at the Canadian Museum of Nature here in Ottawa. He mainly studies horned dinosaur evolution and dinosaur paleoecology which is the study of past ecology. This week Mallon interviewed with the Fulcrum to …
Anoxia no longer suspected to be main cause of extinction According to many scientists, our species is currently entering the sixth mass extinction — the one that we alone have caused. University of Ottawa professor André Desrochers re-examined the cause of the first major mass extinction (late Ordovician mass extinction) to hopefully gain insight into …
A crash course on urban planning The birth of Ontario suburbs began post World War Two; as many soldiers returned, the demand for housing increased exponentially. At the turn of the century, about two-thirds of Canadians lived in rural areas. However, by 1971, two out of every three people lived in towns or cities. Toronto …
The system has become so adept at finding these scam addresses that over 70 per cent of these addresses are flagged before a single victim can send any money.
Instead of comparing yourself to gold, celebrate your silvers because you did it.
“We really wanted to address a grassroots problem and from our experience, and myself interacting with physicians and residents in primary care, it came to our attention that the unattached patient is really a big issue in our community.” Said Maddie Venables.
“The ratios of the sterols told us that there were two periods of increased fruit eating relative to insect eating” said U of O PhD student Lauren Gallant.
The ability to see the development of the zebra fish’s nervous system under the microscope has provided an amazing advantage over other animal models of the spinal cord.
In short, pseudoscience is presented like science, but lacks the same rigour that science undergoes. As a result, it makes the two extremely difficult to discern.
“I had a project where I was working in northern Canada. Those areas had beautiful northern lights, where the green and red colours filled the entire sky,” said the U of O researcher in an interview.
“Perfectionism is a maladaptive personality trait: it’s associated with anxiety and depression, and other things like academic burnout,” said U of O professor Tracy Vaillancourt.
Starr mainly studies plant systematics, which is the science that names, discovers and determines evolutionary relationships of organisms