
glenn roy
Glenn Roy finished with 2 penalties and one convert to go along with his try on Saturday. Photo: Greg Kolz/Gee-Gees
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Glenn Roy struck an incredible kick to put the Gee-Gees up 18-16

On Saturday night at Matt Anthony Field, the Gee-Gees men’s rugby team — defending RSEQ champions — faced off against RSEQ runner ups École de technologie supérieure of the Université du Québec (ETS) in a close match. Although the Gee-Gees won the last duel against ETS in the finals, they aimed to even the score as they lost in the prior regular season to them. During the match, it was clear the Gee-Gees were well prepared for the matchup. The lads fought to earn a 18-16 victory over ETS.

The Gee-Ge’s immediately started laying out ETS, with an impressive display from the front line, a testament to their immense strength. It was clear that the rivalling teams had some unfinished business after the RSEQ finals last year. ETS stole the ball from the Gee-Gees, and pushed close to the try zone before an impressive tackle that knocked the ball out of their hands to win the ball back. However, after a penalty from the Gee-Gees, ETS stuck a kick to put them up 3-0. 

After a couple exchanges in possession, the Gee-Gees were granted a penalty kick from just before half, Glenn Roy nailed the kick to tie up the game at 3-3 in the 24th minute. The next play, ETS kicked it out for a line out, and nearly scored from a 10-yard push, but the Gee-Gees defence would not allow for any more yards and gained possession back. 

During the Gee-Gees possession, the ball was played out wide to winger Mathew Robinson for a good run. Then the ball was moved towards the left where Jamie Armstrong broke ETS’s defensive line, and passed it off to Connor Billo for the first try of the game, putting the Gee-Gees up 8-3. 

ETS responded with another penalty kick, making the score 8-6 for the Gee-Gee’s. In the last minute of the first half, the Gee’s Glenn Roy scored the second try of the game, with a conversion kick to put the Gee-Gees up 15-6. It was a great first half from the lads as their great defense turned into even better offense — or perhaps ETS is just too little. 

Roy started out the second half with a great run, but the team forfeited a penalty within five yards of the ETS try zone. In the 26th minute of the second half, ETS believed that they had scored a try, but after the review, the Gee-Gees had held them within a yard of the try zone, treating the try line as a brick wall. 

2021 RSEQ Rookie of the Year Yenam Zouzoua was lighting up ETS with some big hits, instilling fear into the Gee-Gee’s opponents. ETS was granted a penalty kick, and scored making the score 15-9 for the Gee-Gees. 

More big hits from Evan Roy held the ETS offence off, the little wingers were no match for him. As the game was close to reaching full time, ETS made a push towards the Gee-Gee’s try zone, but were held off for a long and tense minute. 

However, ETS opted to play it down the back line to score a try, and a conversion on a touch kick to put them up 16-15, the pressure was on for the Gee-Gees. Although the time was ticking, this would not be the end for the Gee-Gees. In the final minute of the game the Gee-Gees were granted a penalty kick, and under the stress of a close game, Glenn Roy struck an incredible clutch kick to put the Gee-Gees up 18-16. It was truly a nail biter of a game against division rival ETS.

The team has high hopes to be back-to-back RSEQ champions. “We just need to stay honest with the process,” said head coach James Flemming after the game. “The season will have its ups and downs, it’s up to us to stay composed and continue to work hard on a weekly basis.”

Additionally, there is lots of excitement for the team as Ottawa is set to host the Canadian University Men’s Rugby Championship (CUMRC) from Nov 13–17, inviting the best teams all over Canada to compete on the highest stage.

 When asked about how the team is preparing to host the national championship, coach Flemming said “the National Championship is an intense competition. Playing in RSEQ games will be the best prep, our league has a lot of parity and gives our players meaningful minutes.” 

One thing is for certain after Week One, the Gee-Gees can compete on the national stage led by the great coach Flemming, a former player of the team, accompanied by a roster loaded with talent and championship experience. The Gee-Gees regular season continues as they hit the road to play Concordia on Sept. 15, and return home to play Bishops Sept. 21.