
Photo: Greg Mason/Gee-Gees
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Gee-Gees survive toughest task of season

The U of O’s women’s rugby team  started the season with an amazing win of 41-8 against the Montreal Carabins, and they followed up that game with a try at Laval’s undefeated team on Sunday. The Gees broke Laval’s winning streak and beat the Rouge et Or by seven points.

The Gee-Gees started the game with a drop-kick that fell into the sideline, resulting in a line-up for the Rouge et Or. A very tight match was to follow, with numerous kicks, lineups and knock-ons; the ball possession varied between both teams throughout the whole game. 

However, by the ninth minute of the game, with an intimidating mob, Laval’s number one, Mia Fortin, scored the initial try of the game. Laval kicker Adèle Samson did not achieve the conversion kick, changing the scoreboard to 5-0. The Gee-Gees did not let that get to their head, and answered with an amazing dropkick that resulted in the Gees obtaining possession and battling through numerous rucks to obtain the second try of the game by number eight, Anne Dodge, plus the conversion kick, which placed the Gees in the lead.

The Rouge et Or scored two more tries and made the two conversion kicks, gaining 14 more points. The Gees scored three more and made two conversion kicks, gaining the lead. One of the tries was an amazing run along the sideline by Aurora Bowie, wearing jersey #10, and that resulted in an amazing thrill of energy which pumped up the team and established dominance by halftime. At the end of the, the score was Ottawa 24 and Laval 19.

In the second half, both teams went head-to-head until Ottawa scored their fifth try, securing their lead by two tries and one kick. Rouge et Or showcased their resilience and strength by being extremely close to the end zone throughout the last half and even scoring one more try and its respective kick. However, the Gee-Gees did not let the scoreboard get any closer and finished the game with 31 points, while Laval University finished with 26 points.

It was a challenging game that showcased each team’s resilience and magnitude of reliability in one another while also pushing both teams to push or might as well rock their hardest for every tackle they made. The Gees continue undefeated at this start of the season and will try to keep this title against the Concordia Stingers on 1 p.m. this Saturday at Concordia’s homefield.


  • Ana is a fourth year Sociology and Feminist & Gender Studies student with a love for sports, writing, and everything in between. She has played various sports throughout her life, and has encountered a passion for reporting on them as well as spreading the fun and competitiveness that arises from them.