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Men’s hockey players wrap up Movember

Photo by Megan Balah

Hockey players are notorious for being unkempt athletes, but with Movember nearing an end, the level of facial cleanliness has completely gone down the drain. The Fulcrum wanted to check out the Gee-Gees men’s hockey team to see who had the best Mo’, so we dropped in on the boys after they won their seventh straight game, easily taking care of the Laurier Warriors 4–2 on Nov. 22.

The first ‘stache that caught our eye was first-year finance student and forward Nicolas Therrien’s, as he attempts his best Hulk Hogan impersonation with his brown handlebar. Therrien noted he wasn’t raising money but the team was doing it for fun.

“We’re just doing a thing to get all the boys together, to get noticed, and we all think it’s a good cause,” he said.

Therrien was rather bullish about his own ‘stache.

“Yeah, it’s not bad. It’s coming in pretty good on the top but I’ve been growing it for 20-some days,” he said.

First-year psychology major Gabriel Vermette also opted for a handlebar but kept it thinner than Therrien’s. Pleased with his own ‘stache, Vermette felt that teammate Mathieu Guertin had the top duster and voted assistant captain Guillaume Donovan for worst whisker’s on the team.

Guertin, a first-year general studies student, had a successful night on the ice, scoring the Gee-Gee’s first goal. After the game, he proved he’s just as good at growing a ‘stache as he is at lighting the lamp.

“I’m pretty happy with how it’s coming in, but I’m cheating a little bit,” said Guertin. He confessed to getting about a one-week head start on his teammates.

Captain and fourth-year human kinetics student David Foucher received best ‘stache honours from Therrien and Guertin. Foucher’s ginger goatee couldn’t be beat.

When asked if he thought his moustache was coming in well, Foucher replied, “Not for my girlfriend.”