
The Board of Directors of the University of Ottawa Students’ Union met on Sunday, where they passed a motion to take a pro-choice stance on abortion. The motion comes in the wake of controversy after an anti-abortion group regained the official club status they had lost under the school’s former student government.

Story downplays Winter’s graphic images, negative impact on civilians Last weekend, the Ottawa Citizen ran a story about a man who spent much of his time protesting outside the Morgentaler Clinic on Bank Street. The piece is somewhat framed as an obituary for the man who recently died of cardiac arrest, and shows far too …

Protests are an inherent part of social change and activism. Women’s right to vote, the civil rights movement, and many other important social movements throughout history could not have progressed and amassed the support necessary for things to change without the power of peaceful dissent.

How to help a friend through an abortion WHEN MY FRIEND told me she was getting an abortion I felt it my duty to be as open and available as possible. I mean, this person just trusted me with one of the heaviest things someone can deal with; I had to make sure she didn’t …

While abortion becomes a hot topic in Canada once again, I can’t help but wonder if people still don’t really understand the meaning of the term pro-choice.

A cursory glance at the fall-out from the free vote on Bill M-312 that took place in the House of Commons on September 26th, and it is this definition that springs to mind when seeing the divisive effect abortion continues to have on Canadian society and its national women’s movement.

Pro-lifers should be targeting debaters LAST WEDNESDAY, I was on my way to class when I noticed an eye-catching poster on one of our school’s many bulletin boards. Under the title “Abortion Debate,” it layed out the time, date, and other details of an event to be hosted by the University of Ottawa Students for …

Can I get a side of common sense, please? Re: “Can I get a side of English, please?” (Opinions, Oct. 13) I AM WRITING to the Fulcrum in response to Ms. Lytle’s opinion piece about bilingualism at the University of Ottawa. There is a reality amongst French communities in Canada that I don’t think everybody …