Queen's Park

Although Justice Grant Huscroft clearly showed that the provincial government contravened the “University Acts” by infringing on universities’ autonomy with the SCI, is this really the final nail in the coffin for the policy, or will the government be stubborn and drag taxpayers in an even longer battle with Ontario’s university students?

“They’re putting a Band-Aid on a (major problem) and it’s not the right type of Band-Aid, it’s going to fall off after your first shower,” said Brittany Wilson, who uses OSAP’s soon to be scrapped free tuition grant.

It’s something all of us have been thinking recently, but not wanting to say out loud, out of fear of being labelled as “capitalist scum” by those really cool Marxists in your political thought class. But hear me out, maybe there’s a lot more in dissolving the union than what meets the eye.

The SFUO had no right to delete these comments. After all, this is not their personal Facebook page where they can just block whoever disagrees with them (@JimWatsonOttawa). At the end of the day, the people they disagree with are still people they represent.

Letter to the Editor

The BOA should pass the proposed motion and therefore approve that a review of the relationship between the SFUO and CFS is launched. This would ensure that we can gain information to see whether or not we are getting the best quality of services and resources from the CFS.

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