Recycling bins seem to be everywhere at the University of Ottawa—you can sort and dispose of paper, metals, plastic, and glass on nearly every floor of every building. But what about compost bins?
Recycling bins seem to be everywhere at the University of Ottawa—you can sort and dispose of paper, metals, plastic, and glass on nearly every floor of every building. But what about compost bins?
“Yup, it looks like herpes.”
We asked students to come up with some of the best lessons they picked up in first semester that they plan on carrying into the winter one.
“Ideally, I’d have a PhD, I’d be a professor, my research would be fantastic, it wouldn’t suffer; but I’d also be able to have a family. I’d be married, I’d have children, and somehow my career wouldn’t have to take a hit because I took time off to have a kid—but my family also wouldn’t suffer after I go back to work after giving birth,” she said. “I wonder if it’s really possible to have all of those things.”
The Fulcrum sat down with professors of Aboriginal studies, Aboriginal activists, and students to better understand how Canada’s Aboriginals are currently being marginalized and how universities fit in the bigger picture.
A cursory glance at the fall-out from the free vote on Bill M-312 that took place in the House of Commons on September 26th, and it is this definition that springs to mind when seeing the divisive effect abortion continues to have on Canadian society and its national women’s movement.
November 11 may be over, but many students believe the day symbolizes values that should be reflected upon throughout the whole year. Others feel it’s time to move on from a bloody past and focus on a peaceful future. Here, students share what Remembrance Day means to them.
“The people that think they cannot make a difference frustrate me the most,” said Mueller. “To me, it’s simple math. 1+1+1+1+1=the population of our campus, the population of Ottawa, etc. The difference is made by each individual working separately but together [to lessen] our impact on the environment.”
Four Fulcrum editors took on the topic of student reading habits and came back with four different responses.
Some of my peers are motivated in university by grades, future salaries, or parental pressure. I’m motivated by something else—the desire to make something of myself early enough in my life so my mom will remember it.
The idea of going vegetarian, even for a day, can be terrifying to the average meat eater. Even if they are aware of the health benefits of avoiding meat, some find it hard to say no. Vegetarian food can seem boring, complicated, or better suited to your rabbit’s hutch than to your dinner plate.
Websites like allow users to set a personal goal such as losing weight or exercising a certain amount per day. If you’re not successful, your money will be sent to a charity, an anti-charity (one you don’t like), or a friend/family member.
Not only were my new yoga-mates highly attractive stay-at-home moms and gorgeous fitness-crazed men, the instructor was the fittest, most beautiful woman I had ever seen in a sports bra. It was at that moment I knew I wanted to become an instructor.
“I’m very comfortable with my personality and my sexuality,” he would tell me later. “No subject is taboo to me.”
The Biggest Loser is one of the more controversial reality shows on TV these days, and most people either love it or hate it.
Occasionally an event occurs that can turn life upside down. Whether it’s an illness, divorce, or the death of a loved one, tragedies outside of our control happen, often when we least expect them.
Although these seem to be obvious qualities anyone would want from a partner, it isn’t always easy to identify whether or not they are lacking when you’re blinded by emotion. Sara Quinton* is a U of O student who was in an unhealthy relationship. She didn’t recognize the negative aspects of her relationship until her after partner broke up with her.
“But it’s in a way that doesn’t really help to resolve the issues. It’s more of a one-way interaction where they may gain more knowledge on an issue, maybe there’s a donation involved to a local charity—which of course I’m not minimizing—but it doesn’t do anything to address any of the root causes of the issues.”
In short: We’re pretty into ourselves.
Today, individuals follow special diets for as many reasons as there are types of cuisine; religious practices, ideological beliefs, and allergies can call play a part. Four foodies share their experiences living on different diets and offer students a spoonful of advice.
My parents found out about the engagement through Facebook. Sounds like the punchline to a bad millennial joke, doesn’t it?
Student loans can be something like diseases, and it’s important that one understands the risk in contracting them, as they can take years to cure and are usually a debilitating, scar-filled experience.
I had to eat the same lame cafeteria food every day, I felt a ton of stress about courses I wasn’t doing so well in, and I was sick of being confined to a 14-by-14 room with another human being, as wonderful as my roommate was.
Here are some unhealthy habits to avoid and tricks to fight the fat.
IMAGINE BEING TOLD you must pack up your belongings and move to another country. You may not speak the language, know the customs, or have a single friend or family member there to guide you, but regardless of the circumstances, you’re going. For some people, leaving their home country is a welcome—and maybe even celebrated …