
As feminist professors, it is our job to engage with Palestinian justice, in part because of the pivotal role Palestine plays in increasingly popular calls for transnational feminist frameworks to dismantle the structures of racism, heteropatriarchy, economic, environmental and colonial injustice around the world.

“Textiles have had a (checkered) history in the art world—because textiles are associated with women—they were often considered a lower medium, and (lacked) much of a place in (the) fine art (world).”

Just like with the hippie counterculture, the mainstream could learn something from the BDSM subculture and their strict emphasis on safe, sane, and consensual relationships that don’t take anything for granted.

Members of the press were asked not to pry about Hoodfar’s time in prison, but she said the scariest part was her initial detainment in June. She explained she was unable to communicate with anyone, including her lawyer, and didn’t know what would happen next.

Many professional athletes also feel that the femininity and therefore the validity of a woman is questioned the minute she enters sports. As former Olympic gold medallist in downhill skiing Kerrin Lee-Gartner identifies, the competitiveness needed to compete is celebrated among young boys, but frowned upon for young girls.

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